
牛津译林版(2020)选择性必修第二册Unit 3 Fit for life Grammar and usage & Integrated skills 课时分层练(含解析)

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:55次 大小:21960Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 3 Fit for life Grammar and usage & Integrated skills—2023-2024学年高二英语牛津译林版(2020)选择性必修第二册课时分层练 【夯实基础】 知识点1现在完成进行时 1.The little boy is dirty from head to foot because he _____(play) in the mud all morning. 知识点2比较级 2.She moved a step _____(close) to the painting to make sure whether it was a fake. 知识点3定语从句 3.The child has been badly treated, _____ is obvious to everyone. 知识点4非谓语动词 4.Potatoes will turn green when _____(expose) to light. 5._____(increase) the sales of our products, we need to adjust the marketing strategy. 【提升能力】 6.由于物价上涨快,他几乎供养不起他的家庭了。 (with复合结构) _____ 7.自大学毕业以来,他一直在找工作。(since) _____ 8.这台机器非常复杂。一旦被拆开,几乎不可能再安装起来。(状语从句的省略)_____ 9.牙医的职责就是竭尽全力照顾病人的牙齿。(go to great lengths) _____ 10.运动不仅会降低血压,而且能预防心脏病。(Not only置于句首)_____ 【核心素养】 11. We have a sweet teeth. That makes sense. All animals need sugar to live. It's the fuel that powers our cells. So it's not surprising that we're born to want the sweet stuff. Sugar stores energy like a battery. After a meal, your body breaks down foods. It uses some sugar for energy right away. The rest gets stored for the body to break down later. It's a myth that sugar makes you extremely excited, but having a sugary snack can give you a quick burst of energy. That's because the sugar in sweet foods is easy for your body to turn into fuel. When you eat other kinds of foods, like vegetables, it takes longer for your body to break the sugars down. These days it's easy to find sweet snacks. Sodas, candies, cakes and even foods that seem healthy, such as yogurt, can be packed with sugar. Food makers add sugar, because they know that to humans, sweet makes everything taste better. Americans eat about 20 teaspoons of extra sugar every day. That's more than what is good for us. Eating too much sugar can cause more than a stomachache. It can make people overweight, decay the teeth and even cause diabetes. However, experts aren't worried about naturally sweet foods — the problem is added sugar. So go ahead and enjoy a sweet apple or even a sugar-rich carrot that is also full of vitamins and other good stuff. Even cake is great once in a while, as long as you don't overeat it. After all, no one wants life to be dull. And your body needs its fuel! 1.Why may people be tricked into eating too much sugar A.Because no one wants life to be boring. B.Because we're born to want the sweet stuff. C.Because so-called healthy food can be packed with sugar. D.Because sugar is the fuel for the plants and animals on the Earth. 2.What does the author want to stress in Para. 4 A.We'd better say no to sweet foods. B.Experts are worried about added sugar. C.Eating too much sugar is bad for our health. D.We'd better consume sugar from natural sources. 3.What can be a suitable title for the text A.Be Smart about Sugar B.Sugar Brings Happiness C ... ...

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