
牛津译林版(2019) 必修第三册 Unit 4 Scientists Who Changed the World Extended reading课件(共31张PPT)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:27次 大小:2942505Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) UNIT 4 Scientists who changed the world -- Extended Reading 1. Students can learn some words and phrases. 2. Students can get the main idea of this passage. 3. Students could develop an active attitude towards science and technology. Learning Aims: Is science beneficial to people Brainstorming: If science can bring harm to people, what should we do 1.critical thinking Try to predict the main idea of this passage. The Value of Science Narrative What is the genre of this passage Vocabulary atomic / 'tpmik/ adj.原子能的;原子的 bomb/bpm/n.炸弹;核武器vt.轰炸 evil/'i:vl/n.罪恶,罪行;害处,坏处adj.恶毒的;有害的;恶魔的 involve/ n v lv/vt.包含;牵涉,影响;(使)参加 scientific/ sa n t f k/ adj.科学的,关于科学的;细致严谨的 credit/ kred t/ n.赞扬,认可;信用vt.存入金额;把···归于 moral / m r l/ adj.道德的;道义上的;品行端正的n.品行,道德 apply/ 'plai/vt.& vi.应用,申请;涂;有关 Vocabulary negate /n ɡe t/ vt.取消,使无效;否认,否定 intellectual// nt lekt u l/ adj.有才智的,智力发达的n.知识分子 mystery/'mistri/n.神秘;神秘的人(或事物);悬疑作品 let sb down 使某人失望 ignorance/'Ign r ns/n.无知 as to 关于,至于 take it for granted /'gra:ntid/想当然地认为,认为···是理所当然freedom/'fri:d m/n. 自由 authority / θ r ti/ n.权威,权力;官方 Try to write down the structure of this passage. The Internet:a world without frontiers Part 1 Para.1-2 Part 2 Para.3-6 Part 3 Para.7 Introduction Main body Conclusion The man who misused it. If the power of science is used to do something bad, who should be blamed Three values are referred to in this lecture. How many values of science are referred to in the lecture 1.Tu Youyou has become the first female scientist of the Peoples Republic of China to receive a Nobel Prize,awarded for her contribution to the fight against malria, one of the deadliest diseases in human history. Thanks to her discovery of qinghaosu, malaria patients all over the world now have had a greatly increased chance of survival. 屠呦呦成为中华人民共和国首位获得诺贝尔奖的女科学家。她获奖是因为她为抗击疟疾所做出的贡献———疟疾是人类历史上最致命的疾病之一。得益于她发现的青蒿素,如今全世界疟疾患者的存活率大大提高。 Take notes quickly! 重点词汇 Republic of China 中华民国 Nobel Prize 诺贝尔奖 fight against 反对……;与……作斗争 one of …之一 deadliest 非常 ; 极其 ; 致命的, in human history 在人类历史上 Thanks to 幸亏;归因于 malaria 疟疾 all over the world 全世界 2.Born in 1930, in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, Tu studied medicine at university in Beijing between 1951 and 1955. After graduation, she worked at the Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine. She completed further training courses in traditional Chinese medicine,acquiring a broad knowledge of both traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine. 1930年,屠呦呦出生于浙江宁波。1951年至 1955年,屠呦呦在北京读大学,学习药学。毕业后,她在中医研究院工作。她完成了中医领域的培训课程深造,获得了广泛的中西医知识。 Take notes ... ...

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