
牛津译林版(2019) 选择性必修第一册 Unit 1 Food Matters Extended reading课件(共32张PPT)

日期:2024-06-09 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:99次 大小:3929454Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) UNIT 1 Food matters -- Extended Reading 1. Students can learn some words and phrases. 2. Students can get the main idea of this passage. 3. Students could develop an positive eating habits. Learning Aims: Do you know food critic? Brainstorming: What is the critic’s job Try various foods and talk about the flavours. Try to predict the main idea of this passage. Eating in China Narrative What is the genre of this passage Vocabulary 41.filling n (糕点等的)馅 42.elderly adj 年纪较大的,上了年纪的 43.bake vt&vi 烘烤;烤硬 44.flour n 面粉 45.adorable adj 可爱的,讨人喜爱的 46.mild adj 不浓的,淡味的;暖和的;温和的;不严重的 47.Tiramisu n 提拉米苏 48.bakery n 面包(糕点)店 Vocabulary 49.layer n 层,表层;层次 50.cheese n 干酪,奶酪 51.bitter adj 苦味的;激烈的;令人难过的;严寒的 52.cream n 奶油,乳脂;护肤霜 53.ingredient n 材料,成分;因素,要素 54.loose adj 不受约束的;未固定牢的;零散的;宽松的;疏松的 55.let sth loose释放;放任 56.chilli n 辣椒 7 March, Sichuan hot pot The mouth-watering hot pots of Sichuan are as famous overseas as they are in China, and the hot flavour is enough to heat up a cold midwinter evening or to let loose rivers of sweat on a summer afternoon. I gave it my first try last night, together with a few local friends. 3 月 7 日,四川火锅 令人垂涎欲滴的四川火锅,闻名海 内外。那火辣的风味足以温暖隆冬的寒夜,或在夏日的午后让人汗流如注。昨晚,我第一次尝试了四川火锅,是与几位当地的朋友一道吃的。 Take notes quickly! 重点词汇 hot pot 火锅 be enough to 足以 ; 足够……可以 ; 足够…去做 heat up 加热 ; 变热 ; 加剧 ; 变得激烈 ; 激化 let loose 放开 ; 放出,放开 ; 对不加约束,听凭行事 sweat on 汗流浃背 ; <俚>依靠,指望 together with 和…一起[合起来] a few 几个 ; 少许 ; 一点点 As the soup bubbled slowly over a gas burner in the middle of the table, its surface was covered with a beautiful layer of chillies, Sichuan peppers, spring onions and red oil. Slowly at first, and then faster and faster, we tipped plates of fresh meat, fish and vegetables into the pot. The hot flavour quickened our laughter and conversation, making the meal the perfect way to relax with friends. 桌子正中的煤气炉上,汤缓缓地冒着泡,表面覆盖着一层辣椒、花椒、葱段和红油,甚是好看。我们把一盘盘新鲜的肉、鱼和蔬菜倒进锅里,一开始慢,到后来越来越快。热辣的味道让大家谈笑起来更有兴致,这顿饭成了与友人放松的最佳方式。 Take notes quickly! 重点词汇 bubbled 起泡 ; 冒泡 ; 洋溢着 ; 发出冒泡的声音 gas burner 燃气燃烧器 ; 煤气喷灯;燃气喷嘴 in the middle of 正忙于 chillies 辣椒 ; spring onions 大葱 red oil 红油 ; 土耳其红油 at first 起初,起先 fresh meat 鲜肉 quickened 加快,加速 ; 变得更活跃 They make the description of the foods more expressive and vivid. What are the functions of these adjectives in para.1 Sichuan hot pots are perfect for the damp, foggy climate in which they were invented. They are believed to have started off in the late Qing Dynasty as a way for boatmen on the Yangtze River to keep warm during the ... ...

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