
Unit 5 Where did you go on vacation?Section B (2a-2e) 教案 鲁教版英语七年级上册(表格式)

日期:2024-06-04 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:57次 大小:35176Byte 来源:二一课件通
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《Unit 5 Section B 2a-2e》教学设计 复备人: 复备时间: 学科 英语 设计者 单位 年级 七年级 来源 鲁教版第3单元 课时 【课程标准】 能根据图片词语或例句的提示,写出简短的语句。 能识别语段中句子之间的联系。 5. 积极参与各种课堂学习活动。 6. 在小组活动中能与其他同学积极配合和合作。 【学习目标】 语言知识目标: 1. 学习并掌握下列单词和短语: decide,arrive,feel like,building,wonder,in the past,walk up to the top,start doing,make a difference,too many,because of, 2. 掌握以下句型: ①What a difference a day makes! ②And because of the bad weather,we couldn’t see anything below. 能力目标 能够运用一般过去时表达过去发生的事情, 并能够对某些事物作出合理的评价。 德育目标: 在小组活动中能与其他同学积极配合和合作 【评价任务设计】 1. 通过理解上下文语境,老师引导猜测词义,老师讲解,检测学生对过去式的理解。(检测目标A) 通过泛读,寻读,研读,使学生能够掌握获取信息的技能和方法,并能提高阅读理解能力。(检测目标B) 3.通过同伴交流、小组合作讨论过去自己的旅行。(检测目标C) 【主问题设计】Talk about Jane‘s diary.【教学过程】 环节一:Revision: 1. Listen and follow the tape recording 2.Ask and answer questions about Lisa’s vacation. Where did... What did... Did she... 环节二:Warming-up and lead-in T shows a video about Malaysia and ask ss talk about the places they went and the enjoyable activities they did on vacation. 环节三:Pre-reading Prediction T leads ss to predict the main content of these two diary entries according to the pictures. 环节四:While-reading Skimming Make students read the two diary entries quickly and answer the questions. What do people usually do on vacation What activities do you find enjoyable Scanning Read the first diary carefully. Then fill the chart. timeweatherplacesactivitiesfeelings then do part of 2c and 2d. Read the second diary again,fill in the same chart,and do the rest part of 2c and 2d. 环节五:Post-reading Retelling Let students look through the phrases in the chart first. Let students use the phrases to retell the two diary entries 环节六:Exercise 环节七:Summary【主问题处理过程】 环节一: Ss listen and talk 环节二: Students watch the video and then talk about their vacation. 环节三: Ss predict the content of the passage. 环节四 Students read the diary entries and then answer the questions. Then read the first diary again and fill the chart. 3.do 2c,2d 4.read the second diary and do 2c,2d 环节五 Look through the phrases first. Use the phrases to retell the two diary entries. 环节六 Students do more exercises 环节七 Summary【成果与评价】【布置作业】 1.do 2e 2.Writing: My Last Vacation【板书设计】 【我思、我感、我成长】 ... ...

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