
【暑期升初一预习教程】第九讲 精讲精练(含答案)牛津深圳·广州版七年级上册

日期:2024-06-09 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:67次 大小:1093617Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Read and fill in the blanks. The weather in China Summer Winter North of China Middle and east of China South of China South-west of China 练一练 根据中文意思完成句子。 1. 这里白天是很热的。 It is very hot _____ _____ _____here. 2. 我的家乡在中国的西南部。 My home town is _____ _____ _____ _____China. 3. 在炎热的天气去游泳是很舒服的。 _____ _____very comfortable _____ _____swimming in the hot weather. 4. 广州的春天温暖而潮湿。 Guangzhou is _____ _____ _____in spring. 【一般过去时】 一般过去时表示在过去某个时间或某个阶段发生的动作或存在的状态,也表示过去习惯性或经常性的动作。常与一般过去时连用的时间状语有:yesterday, last week/ month/ year, in 1992, last Sunday, three days ago, a minute ago等。 一、选择最佳选项。 ( ) 1. Where did you go _____ A. every year B. next month C. last week D. the next day ( ) 2. Did the film start to be on a week _____ A. before B. time C. long D. ago ( ) 3. They flew to Long Island _____ 8 October. A. in B. on C. at D. to ( ) 4. My relatives took a trip to Hong Kong _____ July. A. in B. on C. to D. at 二、用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。 They _____ (go) to the museum three days ago. I_____ (be) born in Beijing in 1998. Mr. Li _____(take) a pen and _____ (begin) to write a minute ago. The day before yesterday, they _____ (leave) for Kunming. It’s 8:10 now. The class _____ (start) then minutes ago. We _____ (feel) thirsty and hungry after a long walk this morning. Ted _____ (fall) onto the ground and _____(hurt) his leg last week. Bill and Sam _____(not, be) naughty this morning. He _____(not, catch) the bus and had to walk home. _____ she _____(see) the film with you last night 字母/字母组合 音标 常考词汇 t / ed /t/ beautiful , teach , asked , jumped , laughed , launched d / ed /d/ and , disappear , called , disappeared , opened , used s / c / sh / t / d/ attended , ended , shouted , visited 练一练 选出划线部分发音与其他不相同的选项。 ( ) 1. A. returned B. visited C. carried D. climbed ( ) 2. A. needed B. wanted C. finished D. reported ( ) 3. A. surfed B. hurried C. rushed D. reached 阅读填空 We all know “All work and no play makes Jack a dull(呆滞的) boy”. But children at Dandelion Nursery (托儿所) can play outdoors all day. How come __1_____ It is also the best nursery in Britain. __2_____ They were primary school teachers in the past. They really wanted to help children learn better. __3_____. Hayley and Emma have a different idea about education (教育). __4_____ Children at Dandelion Nursery stay outdoors for eight hours a day, no matter what the weather is like. If they want a castle, they work in a team to build it. __5_____ “Being outdoors makes learning alive. It helps children think creatively and improve (提高) their problem – solving skills,” Hayley says. “Also, it does good to their health. They don’t often get sick.” A. Hayley and Emma are the starters of Dandelion Nursery. B. If they want to play with a toy, they make it themselves. C. They let children learn outdoors. ... ...

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