
Unit 4 Shopping in the City Lesson 19 Let's go shopping课件(共38张PPT)+素材

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:60次 大小:54055909Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 4 Shopping in the City Lesson19 Let's Go Shopping! 冀教版·四年级上册 Point to up. Point to down. Point to left. And point to right. Let′s go! Turn around. Please sit down. Warm up Lead in What can you see on the street What are they They are shops. Presentation What are Jenny and Danny doing on the street 1 What is it Let′s go shopping, Danny. Okay! clothes shop book shop tea shop toy shop Let′s go shopping, Danny. 咱们去购物吧,丹尼。 Let′s go to school by bus. 咱们乘坐公共汽车去上学吧。 例句: 用法: 句型结构:Let′s… 这是一个向对方提出建议的常用句型,表达的意思是“咱们……吧”。 Language points 拓展 辨析let′s和let us Let′s Let′s表示说话人和听话人一起去做某事。 Let′s buy a book.咱们一起去买本书吧。[表示对方(听话人)也要一起去买本书] let us let us 表示说话人不和听话人一起去做某事。 Let us read it again.让我们再读一次吧。[表示大家一起读,但是对方(听话人)不包含在内] go swimming 去游泳 go shopping 去购物 /ɡ / v. (动词)出发,离去;行走;去 第三人称单数: 例句: 短语: He usually goes to school by bike. 他通常骑自行车去上学。 goes tea shop 茶叶店  book shop 书店 toy shop 玩具店 / p/ n. (名词)商店;v. (动词)购物 例句: 短语: Where is the clothes shop 服装店在哪里? 例句:Danny often shops on Friday. 丹尼经常在星期五购物。 拓展 (1) shop作为名词时,意为“商店,店铺”,美式英语中多用store来表示。 例句:Let′s go to the book shop. 咱们一起去书店吧。 (2) shop作为动词时,意为“购物”。 Free talk Danny wants to go to the toy shop. But he is lost. Can you help Danny Sentence structure: Where is ... Go straight/turn left/turn right ... I'm lost. Where is ... Go straight... 2 What do you want to buy What do you want to buy I want to buy a new dress. Let′s go to the clothes shop. No, please! I don′t want to buy a new dress. Well, what do you want to buy Ice cream! What do you want to buy Language points What do you want to buy 你想买什么? 这是由what引导的特殊疑问句,用来询问想要买什么东西。want后面接动词时,要用动词不定式的形式,即要加to。 用法: 回答: 句型结构: What do you want to + 动词原形? I want to+ 动词原形+ 其他. want意为“想要”,它可以表示想要某物, 其基本句型:人+want(s)+某物(……想要某物。) 拓展 例句:Lily wants a teddy bear.莉莉想要一个泰迪熊。 I want a new computer.我想要一台新电脑。 I don′t want to buy a new dress. 我不想买新连衣裙。 I like bananas. 我喜欢香蕉。 I don′t like bananas. 我不喜欢香蕉。 例句: 用法: 这是一个含有实义动词的否定句。含有实义动词的句子变否定句时,要借助don′t或者 does′t ,放在实义动词之前。 What do you want to buy I want to buy a new hat. Free talk No, please! I don't want to buy a new cap. Let′s go to the ... Ice cream! Well, what do you want to buy Pair work. Talk and write. 3 Let's do it ! Let′s go shopping. I want to buy Snow White. What do you want to buy I want to buy a skirt. Pair work. Talk and write. Pair work dress ball What do you want to buy I want to buy a dress. What do you want to buy I want to buy a ball. Exer ... ...

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