
Unit 2 Lesson 8 TV and phone 课件(共40张PPT)=素材

日期:2024-06-08 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:48次 大小:41528165Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 2 At Home Lesson8 TV and Phone 冀教版·四年级上册 Review Let′s sing! Free talk What do you do on a Sunday morning What do you do in the evening Brain storming What do you do at home Presentation What does Jenny do at home Listen and answer. 1 What do you do at home I help my mum and dad. Let′s learn I talk on the phone with my friends. I watch TV after dinner. I play on the computer. Let′s learn TV phone computer Language points 详解:本句是用来询问对方在家做什么及其回答的句型。 on the phone意为“在电话里;通过电话”,表示方 式、方法,with意为“和……一起”; talk with sb. 意为“和某人交谈” —What do you do at home 你在家做什么 —I talk on the phone with my friends. 我和我的朋友在电话里交谈。 句型结构: —What do you do at home 你在家做什么 —I talk on the phone with my friends. 我和我的朋友在电话里交谈。 What do you do at home 答句: I + 动词原形 + 其他. I help my mum and dad. 我帮助我的爸爸妈妈。 /help/ v. (动词)帮助;协助;援助 短语: (to) do sth . 意为 “帮助某人做某事 ”。 I help my brother. 我帮助我的弟弟。 例句: help… with… 表示“在某方面给予帮助”,如:Tom can help me with my English.(汤姆能帮助我学英语); help sb.(to)do sth .表示“帮助某人做某事”,如:I help my mother do the housework.(我帮助妈妈做家务)。 拓展 mum 妈妈。 / d d / n. (名词)爸爸(非正式用语) 对应词: 例句: My dad is very tall.我的爸爸很高。 I talk on the phone with my friends. 我通过电话和我的朋友们交谈。 例句: / t k / v. (动词)交谈;讨论 talk with/to sb . 和某人谈话 talk about sth . 谈论某事 短语: Let′s have a talk.让我们谈一谈。 例句: / f n / n. (名词)电话 phone number 电话号码 on the phone 通过电话 短语: What's your phone number 你的电话号码是多少? good friend 好朋友 make friends with 和……交朋友 复数: 例句: / frend / n. (名词)朋友 短语: We are good friends. 我们是好朋友。 friends I watch TV after dinner. 我在晚饭后看电视。 look 看 see 看见 短语: 例句: / w t / v. (动词)看;注视 一词多义: 词形变化: 近义词: They watch TV at home. 他们在家看电视。 watch TV 看电视 watch games 看比赛 watch,n. 意为“手表”复数:watches. watch →watches(第三人称单数) 拓展 辨析 watch,look 和 see 词义 用法 例句 watch 看;注视 watch强调聚精会神地看 They are watching a TV play.他们在看一部电视剧。 look 看 look 强调看的动作 Look out of the window!朝窗外看! see 看见 see强调看到的结果 I see a sheep.我看见一只绵羊。 TV → television (完全形式) 例句: / ti 'vi / n. (名词)电视;电视机 词形变化: 短语: 形近词: This is a TV. 这是一台电视机。 TV show 电视节目 IT 信息技术 after school 放学后  after class 下课后 after work 下班后 例句: / 'ɑ ft / prep. (介词)在……后 短语: 对应词: I read a book after dinner. 我在晚饭后读书。 before 在……之前 eat/ have dinner 吃晚餐 例句: / d n / n. (名词)晚餐;主餐,正餐 短语: 近义词: 联想记忆法: breakfast 早餐 lunch 午餐 What do you have for dinner 你晚餐吃什么? supper 晚餐 What do you do at home I _____. talk on the phone with my friends Practice What do you do at ... ...

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