
Unit3 Lesson 13 I'm Hungry课件

日期:2024-06-03 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:81次 大小:4934144Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) What do they eat Monkeys eat bananas. Cows eat grass. Tigers eat meat . Lesson13: I’m Hungry! boy girl mother father grandfather grandmother table 餐桌 t a b l e table table  desk与table 在汉语中,这两个词都被称为“桌子”,而在英语中,它们仍是有所区别的。   (1)desk通常指有抽屉的桌子,用于办公、读书、写字等,即“书桌”、“写字台”、“办公桌”    (2)table通常指由若干条腿支撑着的平板,没有抽屉,即“餐桌”、“会议桌”、“工作台”、“手术台”等: food 食物 f o o d food food table food food table table eat eat eat eat 吃 drink d drink drink r i n k 喝 drink eat eat drink Let’s drink. Let’s eat. I’m hungry. I want to____. eat 饥饿的 I’m thirsty. I want to_____. drink 渴的 I’m_____. I want to___. I want to eat one apple. I want to drink some juice . j u i c e

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