ID: 16763728

Module 9 Unit 1 Are you sad? 表格式教案(无答案)

日期:2024-10-24 科目:英语 类型:小学学案 查看:10次 大小:54272B 来源:二一课件通
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学习目标 1、知识目标:学习听、说、认读单词chess,sad,bored,angry,happy,hungry,tired正确使用日常交际用语: “Are you feeling … ”2、能力目标:能够看图认读课文,能读懂谈论情绪和感受的句子;能运用所学表情类单词和类似句型Are you feeling … 询问他人的感觉。 3、情感目标:培养学生关心他人的情感及与人相处的能力。 学习重点 1、掌握新单词和新句型。2、运用“sad,bored,angry,happy,hungry,tired”等词语来表达自己的情感,询问别人的感受。  学习难点 1句子“I’m going to make you a surprise cake on your birthday!” 2能够运用所学单词和句型询问他人的情绪并表述自己的情绪:“Are you feeling sad I feel happy.” 学习准备 教师:学习案、CD-ROM、PPT学生:预习导学案,听读课文。 学习方法:TPR、游戏学习法、情景学习法、朗读学习法 学习内容 学习活动 Note 【预习导航】一、请写出本课表示情绪的单词并熟读,然后对着镜子做做这些表情吧。1、难过的 _____ 2、无聊的_____3、生气的_____4、饥饿的 _____ 5、疲倦的_____ 6、高兴的_____二、我们还学过很多形容词,你能写出多少呢?例:long_____三、本课中你能找出出现最多次的句型吗?它也是我们本次学习的重点句型哦,把它写下来吧。_____△请用不同的形容词套用,模仿写2句。 例:A:Are you feeling sad B: Yes, I am.bored/Yes_____Angry/No_____【学习过程】一、Warm up1、Sing a song.2、Greetings :How are you today I’m not well. 二、Presentation:1. PPT: Are you feeling sad Are you feeling … Teach new words2、Sing a song (改编歌曲)I'm feeling happy,I'm feeling sad.I’m feeling angry, I’m feeling bored.I’m feeling hungry, I’m feeling tired.I’m feeling happy. Are you feeling, too 3、New lessonT:Are you feeling happy Ss: Yes.T: Now look at the picture, Is Lingling feeling happy A. Listen to the tape.B. Listen and play stop game.(sad,miss, bored,play chess, angry, secret, surprise)C.Listen and read,then circle True or False. (Do AB: Ex1 P 34)D. Listen and repeat.E. Open the book ,listen and underline the key sentences “Are you feeling … ” F. Listen and imitate.G. Read out the dialogue in your group.4、Ask questions according to the text: Is Lingling feeling sad Is she feeling bored Does she miss China …5、Point, find and say. ( P35 Activity 3) Ask and answer. Write down the feeling.1)A:Is Sam feeling _____ B: Yes, he is. ( ) No, he isn’t. ( ) He is feeling _____.2)A:Are Sam and Daming feeling_____ B: Yes, they are. ( ) No, they aren’t. ( ) They _____.3) A: Is Ms Smart feeling _____ B: Yes, she is. ( ) No, she isn’t. ( ) She _____.4) A: Is Tom feeling _____ B: Yes, he is. ( ) No, he isn’t. ( ) He _____.【拓展延伸】1. Read and match.1) Do you feel tired A. Yes. I am.2) Are you bored B. Yes, I do.3) What’s the matter C. Nothing, I’m thinking.4) Is he feeling sad D. No, he isn’t. 2. Read and choose.( ) 1. 你看到海伦闷闷不乐,可以问她:_____What are you doing, Helen What’s the matter, Helen How are you, Helen ( ) 2. 玛丽今天举行生日晚会,看上去很高兴,你可以说: _____Mary plays happily.Mary has a surprise cake.Mary feels happy today.( ) 3. 你想知道对方正在想什么,你可以问:_____What do you think of it How do you feel?What are you t ... ...

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