
新人教版必修一Unit 4 Natural disasters综合练习(基础知识+语法)(含答案)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:15次 大小:582709Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unt4基出知汉森司 Elaine英语 单词拼写 1.The whole village lay in ruins,except a heavily d_____--church. 2.If you are trapped in the ruins,please be calm and wait for the r_____ team to help. 3.About twenty p___-- of the students in this area can't pass this exam. 4.After the e_____was cut off,the lights went out. 5.In ancient times,people believed that they could be brought back to life after 6.Whenever a natural____--()occurs,soldiers are always ready to protect people's lives. 7.Millions of people offered help to the people in the__ .--(被淹没雨)area. &.It was a real_.--(令人震惊的事)to hear that a terrible typhoon happened again in Guangdong Province. 9.The injured young man has to have meals__ -_(递送)to his home. I0.I find it difficult to write a--C概要)o时about60 words in length. 11.They asked the little boy to_____()the room clean. 17.The volcanic eruption showed the shocking p_____--of nature. 13.Keeping c_____is very important when you are faced with disasters. 14.Her beauty s_____--him deeply and he decided to marry her. 15.Several hours later,the little boy was rescued with the a_____--of the police. Elaine英语 16.In the car crash yesterday,only one of the five people s__--_. 17.Unfortunately,the little boy had stopped b_____before he was rescued from the river. 单句语法顷空 1.The earthquake was so big that most of the houses in the small village were completely--__-_(destroy). Elaine英语 2.Years of fighting have left the area__-_ ___ruins. 3.The big fire caused great damage____--t the building built last year. 4.He was trying to save the girl_____(trap)in the burning house. 5._____(bury)myself in preparing the coming final exam,I have no time to learn about the news at home and abroad. 6.All the listeners were greatly_____(shock)when they heard the terrible news on radio. 7.I like to live in the countryside where the air is good_____(breathe). 8.I'd like you all to share your_____-(wise)and experience with us. Elaine英语

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