

日期:2024-06-03 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:69次 大小:62643Byte 来源:二一课件通
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牛津版小学六年级下册英语期末试卷 一.给下列句子标出升调(↑)或降调(↓)。(10分) ( )1. Would you like to make a cake for me ( )2. There is a football under the chair. ( )3. Good afternoon. ( )4. What is your favourite colour ( )5.Is this your pencil 二.看一看,连一连。(10分) A.long race B.pen holder C.street cleaner D.high jump E. a model house 三.根据句意及首字母提示补全句子。(20分) 1. Are there any s s in your country 2. Mary dropped them o t w 3. We can put our r in the c 4.I'm s than you. 5. Do you want to s the w ? 四.快乐点击A、B、C。(12分) ( )1.Don't the paper. I can make a dog with it. A.give up B.throw away C.blow off ( )2.They to clean the house tomorrow. A.will B.would C.are going ( )3.Wash before you get into the swimming pool. A.myself B. himself C.yourself ( )4. adults and children like the stories from“Aesop's Fables” A.Both B.All C.Do ( )5.—Can I ask you a question —Yes, A.I'm well B.go on C.go ahead ( )6.— —I lost my pen. A. How are you B.What's wrong with you C. How about you 五.读一读,选一选,补全对话。(12分) Peter: Hi, Linlin. What's your favourite festival Linlin:1. Peter: Mid-Autumn Festival When is it Linlin:It's usually in September or October.2. Peter:What do you do at the festival Linlin:We eat mooncakes. 3. Peter: Sounds interesting. Linlin:How about you 4. Peter: I like Halloween. It's fun. Linlin:Really 5. Peter: We make jack -o'- lanterns and play “trick or treat" at night. Linlin:A game Peter: We knock our neighbors' doors and say “Trick or treat ” Linlin: Why do you do this Peter:6. Linlin: Wow! That's really interesting! A. We watch the bright moon at night. B. What do you do C. We can get candy from them. D. I like Mid-Autumn Festival best. E. What festival do you like best F. The weather is cool. 六.用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分) 1. What you (do) last night 2. Can I (visit) you 3. The third kite is (listen). 4. Where will you (go)next Saturday 5. It (be) cold and snowy in winter. 七.快乐阅读,轻松判断正(T)误(F)。(12分) Five blind men lived in a small village. They knew elephants but they never saw an elephant. One morning a farmer came into the village with an elephant. When the blind men heard this, they came to the farmer. "Can we touch your elephant We really want to have a‘look'.”"Of course!"the farmer said. The first blind man put his hand on the elephant's side. “Well, well,”he said.“An elephant is like a wall. ” The second put his hand on the elephant's nose. “You're wrong,” he said. “It's round and smooth and sharp. It's like a big knife.” The third one put his hand on the elephant's legs. “Oh,how blind you are!" he cried.“The elephant is like a tree!” The fourth was a very tall man, and he put his hand on the elephant's ears. "Oh,dear! All of you are wrong."he said. “It's like a large fan(扇子).” The fifth man went to feel the elephant. He was old and slow. He put his hands on the elephant's tail.“Oh,how silly(愚蠢的) you all are!” cried he. "The elephant isn't like a wall, or ... ...

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