
牛津译林版(2020) 必修第一册 Unit 2 Let's Talk Teens Integrated skills课件(共39张PPT)

日期:2024-06-11 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:41次 大小:7529912Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2 Let’s talk teens Integrated skills Teens’ problems □ blame parents for everything □ shout at parents and say some mean things □ be impatient to talk with parents □ spend much time in front of a computer □ turn a deaf ear to what parents say □ lose temper because of high pressure What causes you to quarrel with your parents Lead-in Parents’ problems □ quarrel over unimportant things □ force you to study all the time □ be eager to know what’s on your minds □ buy whatever you like □ make decisions for you □ attach importance to examination results □ ignore your inner thoughts What causes you to quarrel with your parents How can we get the key information correctly and efficiently Read to understand the author’s purpose. Read to look for key words and phrases. Underline the first sentence of each paragraph. Write one sentence in your own words by connecting the key words and phrases. Read the parts of some teenagers' emails below and describe each problem in one sentence. Reading Rebecca's problem: Read and describe She _____ hard as her _____ wishes, but her mother pays too much _____ to her _____. works mother attention grades Simon's problem: He is _____ and _____ for parents' love, but they are always _____ and spend _____ time with him. lonely eager busy little Read and describe Laura's problem: She desires _____, but her parents _____ her too much. adventure protect Read and describe What is the common topic of the three emails Conflicts between parents and teens Parent-child relationship Rebecca’s problem: *Her mother keeps a notebook of her grades *Her mother presses her to study all the time *Rebecca can’t take a break Do you have any suggestions to Rebecca Listen and Check Cynthia is replying to Rebecca's email on the radio programme. Listen and circle the correct words to complete the sentences below. 1. According to Cynthia, Rebecca feels unhappy because her mother does not understand her / value her effort. 2. Cynthia thinks that every parent has too much control over / high hopes for their children. 3. According to Cynthia, school and friendship / relaxation are both important. 4. Cynthia says Rebecca should be patient / calm enough to understand what her mother does. 5. Cynthia describes her senior high school life as exciting / tiring. Keys: 1. Talk to 2. your feelings 3. a good time 4. do well at school 5. meet in the middle 6. your interests 7. enjoy music 8. Put yourself 9. go out with your friends. Talk to your feelings Put yourself Listen again and complete the notes below. 听力文本 Cynthia:Hi,Rebecca. This is Cynthia. I understand your feelings. From your email,it sounds like you put a lot of effort into your schoolwork. If your mother doesn’t value that,of course you’re going to be unhappy! But remember:every parent has high hopes for their children. Your mother wants you to be successful but she probably fails to see how you stru ... ...

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