

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:93次 大小:340618Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中山大学附属中学2014 年初一入学综合素质测评 英语练习 一、语音知识。(请用2B 铅笔将正确选项前的字母代号涂在答题上。) 在下列各题的四个选项中选出一个划线部分读音不同的选项。 1. A. climb B. beef C. baby D. before 2. A. naughty B. warm C. not D. walk 3. A. hoped B. surprised C. died D. borrowed 4. A. rice B. sister C. see D. zoo 5. A. lunch B. headache C. bench D. each 6. A. house B. how C. hour D. horse 7. A. singer B. longer C. language D. English 8. A. helped B. looked C. passed D. played 9. A. car B. farm C. cake D. grass 10. A. party B. why C. city D. diary 11. A. sure B.sheep C. match D. fish 12. A. borrow B. ground C. cow D. brown 13. A. prepare B. there C. healthy D. chair 14. A. eagle B. message C. queen D. dream 15. A. happen B. surprised C. finally D. first 16. A. seat B. son C. desks D. island 17. A. show B. window C. cow D. row 18. A. brother B. prefer C. weather D. paper 19. A. smiled B. played C.asked D. used 20. A. bread B. leader C. cheap D. clean 二、语言知识与运用。(请用2B 铅笔将正确选项前的字母代号涂在答题卡上。) 在下列各题的四个选项中选择一个最佳的答案。 1.———Do you often play _____ table tennis? ———Yes, usually after _____ supper. A. the...the B. 不填...不填C.不填...the D. the...不填 2.———Can you_____Japanese? ———Yes, but I can only _____some simple words and sentences. A.speak... speak B. speak... say C. say...say D. Say...speak 3.———Is the novel T h e Ad v e n t u r e s of To m Sa w y e r _____? ———No, it’s Helen’s. I left at home. A. your’s.. .mine B. your’s.. .it C. yours.. .it D. yours.. .mine 4.———_____ drink does your husband like better, coffee or tea? ———_____.He likes Coco Cola. A. What...Both B. What.. .Neither C. Which...Both D. Which...Neither 5. ———Hi, Doris! Do you have anything _____this weekend? ———Yes .I’m going to take part in my grandmother’s birthday party. It is her _____ birthday. A. doing... eightieth B. doing... eightith C. to do.. .eightieth D. to do... eightith 6.———We will have a hiking trip tomorrow, but shall we meet? ———Let’s make it___ half past nine. A. where...at B. when...in C. when...at D. where...in2-1-c-n-j-y 7.———I’m sorry, Lucy. 1 can’t go for the picnic this Saturday. ———_____ you told me you would this morning. What happened? A. Because B. As C. But D. For 8.Mrs White is as___ as Mrs Brown, but she looks much_____ . A. old, younger B. old, young C. older, young D. older, younger 9.———Would you please drive__ ? My plane is taking off (起飞) soon. ——— I’d love to, but safety comes first. A. faster B. better C. more carefully D. much quicker【来源:21cnj*y.co*m】 10.———I called you yesterday evening, but no one answered. ———Well, maybe I _____ in the garden. A. work B. am working C. will work D. was working 11.———Where _____she put the knife? ———She put it on the table. A. did B. does C. is D. Was 12.———Mrs Li, must I come again tomorrow to clean the windows? ———No, you _____ . I have asked others to do it. A. ... ...

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