
鲁教版(五四制)英语九年级 单元练习Unit 1 When was it invented? (含答案)

日期:2024-06-10 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:37次 大小:27234Byte 来源:二一课件通
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鲁教版(五四制)英语九年级 单元练习 Unit 1(含答案) 一、单项选择 1.I could _____ control my feelings at the moment. The movie reminds me of my childhood. A.really B.nearly C.slowly D.hardly 2.—The boy has _____ touched the ball all game. —Be patient. He is a green hand, after all. A.nearly B.finally C.hardly 3.—Don’t forget to come to our school assembly (集会) tomorrow morning. —I won’t. I _____ just now. A.reminded B.was reminded C.reported D.was reported 4.-- What's wrong with you, Sandy You look so worried. -- My pet cat _____ by a car this afternoon. And it is in hospital now. A.is hit B.was hit C.hit 5.I _____ whether Judy can successfully pass the exam because she never works hard for it. A.doubt B.mean C.believe D.hate 二、补全对话单选 补全对话:阅读对话,从每题A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案完成对话。 Lilly: Hello, Jack. Jack: Oh, that’s just my new invention. Lilly: Really What is it Jack: Lilly: Wow, that’s so cool. Jack: Sure, just open this door and sit inside. Lilly: I’d love to travel to the past. Then I can see how people lived 1,000 years ago! Jack: Sorry. It can’t travel to the past yet. Lilly: That’s OK. It would be cool to see the future, too! (Lilly sits inside the time machine.) Jack: Just close your eyes... Lilly: Okay. One, two, three... fifty-nine, sixty! 6.A.What’s wrong with you B.What’s that wooden box C.When is your birthday D.What would you like 7.A.Can you help me B.It’s good for you. C.It’s a time machine. D.How do you use it? 8.A.How does it happen B.What should I do C.May I borrow yours D.Can I try it 9.A.It can only travel to the future. B.It doesn’t work at all. C.Do you want to have a try D.Can you clean the box 10.A.Watch it carefully. B.Now please count. C.Be quiet, please D.Have a good time. 三、阅读还原5选4 In the 19th century, millions of Europeans went to the USA because they wanted to find a better life. Many of them couldn’t find work in cities like New York. 11 The people, called settlers (殖民者), travelled west through the mountains on the Oregon Trail. Some of these people hoped to find gold in California. The journey sometimes took more than one year. There are a lot of films, called Westerners, about the settlers on the trail. In most of the films, we see the Native Americans (American Indians) attacking the settlers, and the “Indians” killing many white people. But the truth is that the Native Americans were not the biggest problem for the settlers. In fact, most of them were very helpful to the settlers. 12 Many of them walked 3200 kilometers, the whole length of the trail. They had wagons (马车), but the wagons were often too full, so people could not travel in them. 13 The people were very poor and many did not even have shoes—they walked the whole trail barefoot, in very low temperatures. More than 50000 people, including many women and children, died on the trail. A lot of people died of illnesses like cholera, be ... ...

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