
语文版基础模块上册Unit 8 Brave it out reading is life Is Life Fair 教学设计(表格式)

日期:2024-09-30 科目:英语 类型:教案 查看:97次 大小:41592Byte 来源:二一课件通
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( Unit 8 Brave It Out 第二课 时 Reading -- Is Life Fair 教学设 计 ) Is Life Fair (生命是公平的吗?) 教学设计 【授课班级】 【学生人数】 45 人 【教材】 中职英语基础模块上册 (语文-出卷网-) 【教学内容】Unit8 Reading 《Is Life Fair 》 【授课形式】课堂教学 【授课时间】1 个课时 (45 分钟) 【教学目标】 1. 语言知识目标: 1) 巩固复习课标内单词短语:break 、neck 、accident 、wheelchair 、give up 、 education 、success 、independence 、overcome 、difficulty 、program 、be active in。 2) 理解课文内容,掌握文章主要信息及语言点。 3) 流畅的朗读课文并能复述课文。 2. 过程与方法论目标: 运用情景教学,通过师生对话、小组合作的方式,提高学生结合实际、灵活 运用所学句型的能力以及口头表达的能力。 3. 情感态度价值观目标: 通过阅读主人公张士柏的故事,使学生了解张士柏的人生故事,体会主人公 身残志坚,努力拼搏,人生如树向上生长的精神,从而激励自我,面对不公的生 活,努力向上。 【教学重难点】 1. 教学重点: 1) 掌握文中 13 个重点词汇。 2) 理解课文,了解张士柏的人生故事。 2. 教学难点: 1) 找出并理解文章重点语句。 2) 根据文章关键句,复述课文。 【教学方法】 情景教学法;小组合作探究学习法;交际教学法 【教学设备】 多媒体投影仪、电脑、课件 【教学过程】 教学环节 设计思路 Ⅰ. Warming- up and Revision (导入复 习) 1. Review the words we learned last class. Let the students look at the blackboard. Read after the teacher. 2. Let the students read the words one by one and one word read two times. The teacher pay attention to the students’ pronunciation. 3. let the student say out the Chinese meaning of the word one by one. 4. The teacher has a check. The teacher gives one of the student the Chinese meaning and let the student say out the English. Ⅱ. Pre--reading (阅读前) 1. 师生对话,了解题目含义 T :What’s the meaning of “life” Ss: 生命 T :What’s the meaning of “fair” Ss: 公平的 T :So who can translate our title Ss;生命是公平的吗? 复习上节课所学词汇,扫清阅读障碍。 首先教师带读,为学生做示范。其次, 学生依次朗读,教师注意学生发音,出 现问题及时纠正,解决学生发音关。第 三,学生陈述单词中文意思。最后,教 师检测。将印有单词中文意思的纸条随 机发给学生,让学生回答英语单词并拼 写,考察学生对词汇的掌握情况。 教师带领学生理解课文题目的含义“生 命是公平的吗? ”。 第 3 页 共 8 页 2. Compare the following pictures. (对比三组图片) T: Our classroom is big、clean and bright. But their classroom is small 、 dirty and dark. Do you think life is fair for them Ss: No. T: Our dormitory is clean and warm, we have conditioner. but their dormitory maybe very cold in winter .Do you think life is fair for them Ss: No. T: This is our school. This is Ga’an number 1 high school. Now we are different, but after three years’ hard working. We can all come into colleges. Do you think life is fair for you Ss: Yes. T: From the three examples, we can see life is fair ,maybe not fair. Now, please turn to page 62. Look at the picture, he is our main character. his name is Patrick. 靠束带才可坐于轮椅上,但却被称为轮 椅英雄。Why Let’s find out life is fair or not for him 生命对 Patric 来说是公平 的吗? Let ’ come ... ...

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