
人教(新版) 五年级下册 unit5 how much is it? Lesson 25课件

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:50次 大小:6281784Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件25张PPT。PEP4 Unit5 How much is it?Part A Let’s learn & Let’s talk开发区崇明岛路小学 郭媛colourfulprettyelevenevening你喜欢哪一件衣服,用下面的句子说一说。 Look at that _____ . It’s ____ .(colourful/pretty).Look at my _____ . It’s ____ .(colourful/pretty).Say it 说一说。¥500penexsive¥40cheapChinateachairchickenpeachteachercolourful cheap expensive pretty Listen and matchQ1:How much is that pretty dress? Q2: Is that dress expensive?Q1:How much is that pretty dress? Q2: Is that dress expensive?It’s ninety-nine yuan. Yes, it’s too expensive.Mom: Amy, Look at that dress. It’s colourful. Amy: Yes, it is. It’s very pretty. Assistant: Can I help you ? Mom: Yes, How much is this dress? Assistant: It’s ninety-nine yuan. Mom: Oh, that’s too expensive. Amy: I like it , Mom. Mom: Sorry , Amy. It’s too expensive. Assistant(售货员): Can I help you? Customer (顾客):Yes.How much is this____? Assistant : It’s ____ yuan . Customer : Oh, it’s____.(cheap/expensive)Pair workHomework1.Listen to the tape of page 58-59. and try to imitate. 听58-59页录音,并模仿。2.Ask the prices of your friends’ clothes in English. 用英语询问你朋友衣服的价格。Thanks! Byebye!

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