

日期:2024-05-21 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:87次 大小:14122Byte 来源:二一课件通
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国际音标———元音发音及拼读 教学设计 Teaching goals: Language knowledge: To master the pronunciation of vowels and spelling rules; Language skill: 1.To learn to spell new words; 2.To read words and rhymes that contain vowels correctly; Teaching focus: 1.Cognitive phonetics; 2.To grasp the classification of vowels; 3. To master the pronunciation of vowels and spelling rules; Teaching difficulties: To read words and rhymes that contain vowels correctly; Emotional attitude: To help students speak more fluent standard English; Teaching procedures: Step1: Guide--in Step2: Showing 1.音标是英语的发音符号(英语的拼音),发音标准是英语的开始。 (48个国际音标) 音标分类: 元音(20个):可单独构成音节,必须重读。(重要) 辅音(28个):不可单独构成音节,轻读或不读。(次要) 2.元音的分类 长元音 [ɑ:] [ :] [ :] [i:] [u:] 短元音 [ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][e][ ] 双元音 [e ] [a ] [ ] [a ] [ ] [ ] [e ] [ ] Step3: Learning vowels 元音:在发音时,不受气流阻碍,直接呼出来的音。(长短区别,大小区别) 1.长元音:发音时把音拉长的元音。[:]是长元音的标志,发音时要把音拉长。(发音约 2 秒) [ɑ:] 发“啊”音,大嘴感叹音。 [ :] 长“噢”音,噢噢叫的音。 [ :] 长“鹅”音,卷舌音。 [i:] 长“衣”音,嘴角要向两边裂开,像微笑。 [u:]长“呜”音,火车鸣笛。 2. Exercise Try to read these words.pay attention to the pronunciation of vowels. car part class [ɑ: ] ball law door [ : ] her girl purple [ : ] bee me sea [ i: ] foot ruler shoe [u: ] 3.短元音:发音短的元音。(发音短而有力,干净利落) [ ] 短“啊”音。发音不完全与“啊”相同。口小一些,松一些。 [ ] 短“噢”音。发音不完全与“噢”相同。口大一些。 [ ] 短“鹅”。 可卷舌,可不卷舌 [ ] 短“衣”,快速,发音不完全和“衣”相同。口松一些。 [ ] 短“呜”,发音不完全和“呜”相同,口松一些。 [e] 短“唉”,“唉”的小嘴音,小嘴鸡蛋音,一横指。例:egg,bed [ ]“唉”的大嘴,嘴张到最大,后口腔发音,大嘴呕吐音,大嘴苹果音。例:apple,bad 4.Exercise pig live English [ ] back flag man [ ] desk rest head [e] bus sun come [ ] box lot pot [ ] put full book [ ] about today camera [ ] 5.双元音:发音由 2 个单元音合成的元音。(饱满,夸张) 整体发音 [e ] 发英语的“A”音。例:day [ ] 发英语的“O”音。例:no [a ] 发英语的“I”音。大嘴,夸张,得足够饱满。例:nice [a ] 发“啊呜”音,鬼哭狼嚎音,痛叫音。 各读各的音 [ ] 发“奥衣”音。 [ ] 发“衣儿”音,耳朵音。例:ear [e ] 发“唉儿”音,空气音。例:air [ ] 发“呜儿”音 6.Exercise cake day play [e ] rice time fly [a ] toy boy oil [ ] brown cow house [a ] no home nose [ ] ear cheer near [ ] air bear hair [e ] sure tour poorly [ ] 双元音速记法: 3 个字母音[e ][a ][ ]; 2 个单词音[ ][e ]; 1 个狼嚎音[a ]; 剩 2 个[ ] [ ] Step4:Practise Read these sentences.pay attention to the letters in bold. Group 1 1.Three bees see three beans. 2.Little fish swim in the river. 3.Cat,cat,catch that fat rat. 4.Ben let Ken eat eggs in his bed. 5.I love my brother's drum. 6.I asked my father for a banana. 7.I want to wash some socks. 8.I saw four horses at the door. Group 2 1.He took a look at the cook. 2.Whose blue shoes are those 3.Rain,rain,go away. c ... ...

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