
Unit 5 July is the seventh month. Lesson 27 测试卷(含答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:60次 大小:227335Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit5 July is the seventh month Lesson27 题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 总分 一、单选题。(共10分) 1.October is the _____ month of the year. ( ) A.eighth B.ninth C.tenth 2.We celebrate Labour Day on ____ 1st. ( ) A.July B.June C.September D.May 3.The children are celebrating National Day on _____. ( ) A.October 1st B.May 1st C.September 10th D.October 10th 4.People celebrate Teachers’ Day on ____ 10th. ( ) A.July B.June C.September D.May 5.____ is the ninth month of the year. ( ) A.April B.January C.March D.September 二、情景选择。(共10分) 6.教师节到了,你想知道迈克会为老师做什么时,你会问他: ( ) A.When is Teachers’ Day B.What will you do for your teacher 7.中国的国庆节在十月一日,用英文表达:( ) A.National Day is on October 1st B.China’s National Day is on October 1st. 8.秋天瓜果飘香,天气凉爽,妈妈很喜欢这个季节,她可以这样说:( ) A.I like playing football. B.I like this nice season. 9.你的朋友想知道春节是什么时候,他会问:( ) A.When is Spring Festival B.What do you do at Spring Festival 10.老师问小明最喜欢什么季节时,小明回答:( ) A.It’s hot in summer. B.My favourite season is summer. 三、按要求进行词类转换。(共10分) 11.1. nine(序数词)_____ 2. three(序数词)_____ 3.eight(序数词)_____ 4. second(基数词)_____ 5.fifth(基数词)_____ 6.give (现在分词)_____ 7.do (单三式)_____ 8. children(单数)_____ 9.celebrating(动词原形)_____10.teacher(名词所有格)_____ 四、读句子,选择与句子相符合的图片。(共10分) A.B.C.D.E. 12.Today is March 12th. Let’s plant some trees. ( ) 13.My birthday is on China’s National Day. ( ) 14.Mary is listening to music in the room. ( ) 15.The children often play football after school. ( ) 16.Mike likes winter best. Because he can make a snowman with his friends. ( ) 五、按时间顺序给下列句子排序。(共10分) 17.( ) My birthday is in October. ( ) Today is Spring Festival. ( ) My father's birthday is in July. ( ) Happy New Year! ( ) Tomorrow is Christmas Day. ( ) It's Teachers' Day today. 六、把下列短语或句子翻译成正确的英文。(共10分) 18.(1)九月是一年中的第九个月。 _____ (2)十月是一年中的第十个月。 _____ (3)教师节 _____ (4) 国庆节 _____ (5)国庆节在十月一号。 _____ 七、连词成句。(共10分) 19.(1)Day, Teachers’, September, is, on, 10th(.) _____ (2)tenth, is, the, October, month(.) _____ (3)is, Teachers’, When, Day( ) _____ (4)back, go, school, to, Children, September, in(.) _____ (5)are, The, National Day, children, celebrating(.) _____ 八、阅读短文,选择正确的答案。(共10分) Peter, Ann, Mary and their parents go to the countryside for their summer holiday. That is a beautiful place. They live in a farmer’s house. The farmer is Mr Black. In the morning, they go for a walk in a forest. They see a river. The father wants to swim in it. So he jumps into the river. After some time, he comes out. He says there are a lot of fish in it. In the afternoon, Peter and Mary go fishing by the river. Two hours later they catch ten fish. In the evening, Ann cooks the fish and som ... ...

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