
北师大版(2019) 选择性必修第三册 Unit 7 Careers Lesson 3 Meet the New Boss: You课件(共29张PPT)

日期:2024-06-21 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:82次 大小:19505619Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 新北师大版高中英语选择性必修三Unit7 Careers Lesson3 Meet the new boss-you typical average and expected risk an activity which is not safe or predictable industry an area of business, like manufacturing, restaurants, travel and finance out of date cannot be used or is not useful now outsourced when a job is no longer done in one country but done in a country where workers are paid less assumption a guess made based on a few facts or a feeling Background knowledge What do you think are the typical features of careers in the past What about in the future What may have caused the changes How can you get yourself prepared Use the phrases below to help you. Activity and share You are going to read an article about future careers. Look at the title of the lesson. Tick (√) the topics that you think will be mentioned. How jobs and occupations will change How to become an employer How to adapt to the new job trends How to avoid losing your job in the future Read and explore Read the article. Check your prediction. Read and explore Read the article. Check your prediction. Read and explore Read the article. Check your prediction. Read and explore Read the article. Check your prediction. Read and explore Pair Work Complete the information according to the article. Then talk in pairs about future careers based on the article. Jobs in the past: How to succeed in a 21st century career: Jobs in the future working in the same field or industry for a long time Wrong assumptions Reasons You should Technology will change. stay up to date with technology You can work eight hours a day and build a career. It will not bring career success. become an expert or a specialist in something You can’t be replaced by software, and your job can’t be outsourced to robots. Jobs disappear. be prepared for developments and changes before you are thrown out of a career You would do the work your parents did. develop new essential skills. Read and explore Pair Work Think and share. 1. Why does the writer think the “new boss” is “you” 2. On what points do you agree or disagree with the writer Give your reasons. The author stated clearly at the end: If you want to succeed in the 21st century career, you will have to develop new essential skills. Lifetime security from one employer is no longer certain or even likely. The truth is that you are the boss of your career, and it is up to you to decide what you can do and how well you can do it. This means that you are responsible for your future. Read and explore Pair Work Think and share. 3. In paragraphs 2-4, the writer discusses some of the wrong assumptions. Why does the writer do this The writer uses this way to emphasise what is wrong and invite readers to pay more attention to what he or she says about the real trend about the future. The writer discusses some of the wrong assumptions in order to make the readers reflect and realise that what common people think ... ...

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