
Module 9 Unit 2 Will books be replaced by the Internet? 课时基础练 九年级英语上册 (含解析)外研版

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:77次 大小:221696Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Module 9 Unit 2 课时基础练 九年级英语上册 (含答案解析)外研版 一、完形填空 One of the amazing things about the World Wide Web is that anyone can create a 1 page. If people find your page interesting, they will come to 2 it. If lots of people like your page, then you have created something of value. The whole idea of a TV station is to create a place that attracts lots of people. Then the station’s owner can charge companies for 3 on TV. A web page is like a smart TV station. If yours becomes very popular, then you can 4 ads on it. That is one form of “value”. There are other forms as well, especially for teenagers. A popular page allows 5 to speak to and educate others, gives you a chance to meet people, and opens doors of chances that you might not 6 . If you want to create your own page, you have two 7 . You can create a page that says “Hi, My name is Suzy and here is a picture of Binky, my cat. My favorite bands are...” That is fine, but it is not very interesting to others except your close. The other choice you have is to create a site that other people find 8 . Pick something you enjoy or know a lot about and create the best page on the net about it. For 9 , if you like football, create the best page on the net about it. The people from all over the world will come to visit your page because you are 10 something for value. 1.A.book B.magazine C.newspaper D.web 2.A.cost B.visit C.spend D.pick 3.A.watching B.performing C.advertising D.playing 4.A.buy B.sell C.borrow D.lend 5.A.me B.her C.him D.you 6.A.wait B.stay C.live D.expect 7.A.changes B.choices C.points D.views 8.A.useful B.boring C.foolish D.big 9.A.model B.example C.kind D.way 10.A.offering B.taking C.helping D.reading 二、阅读单选 The police find most criminals because somebody tells them who the criminals are. They find other criminals by using science and their computers. When there is a bank robbery, the police first look through their computers for the names of bank robbers they know about. Then they go and talk to any of these robbers who are not in jail. They ask them where they were at the time of the robbery. If any of these people cannot give a good answer, the police will often use science to find out if one of them is the robber. Many criminals leave something of themselves at the place of the crime like a fingerprint or a hair. Or they take something away on their shoes or clothes, like dirt or animal hair. If they leave behind some of their blood or a hair or a piece of skin, it will have their DNA inside it. Everyone’s DNA is different in the same way that their fingerprints are different. Therefore, if a criminal cuts himself during a robbery or leaves a hair, or even a small piece of skin, scientists can find out what his DNA is. The police can then ask the person they think is the robber to give them one of his hairs or some blood and see if it has the same DNA.Many criminals are in jail today because of this ... ...

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