
Unit 10 Touch your head 第2课时 Part C-D课件+素材(23张PPT)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:73次 大小:41420785Byte 来源:二一课件通
预览图 0
    (课件网) This is ... neck arm hand body foot feet leg Look and say Look at me. Look at me. This is the ... This is the ... This is the ... This is the ... This is the ... Introduce yourself _____. Quick response _____. _____. _____. ... Raise your hands Touch your head Touch your feet Raise your leg Look and say Touch your head. Raise your hand. Touch your ears. Raise your leg. Follow me! Touch your head. Raise your hand. Touch your ears. Raise your leg. C Let’s Act Listen and repeat. C Let’s Act Listen and answer. What does Lingling say Who is out And why (Look and circle.) Touch your neck. _____. Touch your neck. You’re out. C Let’s Act Listen and repeat. Let’s play Touch your ... ... D Let’s Read Look and say. What animals do you see An Elephant and a monkey. D Let’s Read Watch and answer. What does Dino say to the elephant What does Dino say to the monkey Hi! Elephant! _____. Touch the monkey’s head Monkey, _____! raise your hands D Let’s Read Hi! Elephant! Touch the monkey’s head. Wow! Great! Listen and say Monkey, raise your hands! Oh, no! Listen and say Touch the monkey’s head. 接触猴子的头。 (1) the是定冠词,意思是“这个,那个;这些,那些”,用于名词前表示特指。 例句:就是那只狗。 That is the dog. Sentences (2) monkey’s的意思是“猴子的”,是名词的所有格形式,表示事物的归属。 例如:迈克的书。 Mike’s book. Look, act and say Practise Game Follow me! Touch/Raise ... Wow! Great! You’re out! 一、选出下列不同类的一项。 ( )1. A. out B. feet C. ears ( )2. A. touch B. follow C. hand ( )3. A. neck B. leg C. raise ( )4. A. me B. body C. arm A C C A Exercise 二、单项选择。 ( ) 1. You _____ out. A. am B. is C. are ( ) 2. It’s _____ bird. A. a B. an C. / ( ) 3. Touch _____ neck. A. I B. you C. your C A C key words: head, neck, arm, hand, leg, foot, body sentences: — Follow me. — You’re out. — Touch your head. — Raise your hand. — Touch your ears. — Touch your neck. Summary 1. 听读 Part C and Part D至少三遍。 2. 仿照Part C小组练习: 一人发出指令,其余人做出对应的动作。 3. 预习 Part E and Part F。 Homework

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