ID: 16977385

Unit7 Let's clean up 第2课时 课件(共17张PPT)

日期:2024-12-22 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:87次 大小:970520B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 7 Let’s clean up! 第2课时 I point you say desk table chair door window 0 Dad Liu Tao Mum 0 听录音,说一说Liu Tao和他的爸爸妈妈在做什么。 0 OK! Let’s clean up! Clean the table, please. Clean the chairs, please. clean the chair clean the table 0 Clean the desk, please. Clean the door and window, please. clean the desk clean the door sweep the floor Well done! Phew! 0 Watch and say Listen and imitate OK! Let’s clean up! Clean the table, please. Clean the chairs, please. 0 Listen and imitate Well done! Phew! Clean the desk, please. Clean the door and window, please. Role play 三人一组,练习对话并表演,其他同学评价。 小组合作,声音洪亮,能够模仿录音、有感情地朗读课文。 小组合作默契,声音洪亮,脱离课本,口语表达较流利准确,感情与肢体语言较丰富。 小组合作默契,声音洪亮,结合已有知识或生活实际,对内容有创新,口语表达准确流利,感情与肢体语言丰富。 B A C 0 句子接龙 S1: Clean the table, please. S2: Clean the desk, please. S3: Clean the window, please. S4: Clean the door, please. 0 Make a new dialogue 四人一组,一人扮演餐厅老板,其余三人扮演服务员,进行关于清扫工作的对话。 Make a new dialogue S1: (扮成餐厅的老板)Let’s clean up! S2&S3&S4: OK! S1: Clean the windows, please. S2: OK. S1: Clean the _____, please. S3: OK. S1: Clean the _____, please. S4: OK. S1:Well done! S2&S3&S4: Phew! 0 Let’s clean up! 当你想邀请别人一起打扫,你怎么说? Clean the window, please. 当你想请别人把窗户擦干净,你怎么说? 0 听录音,跟读课文。 Thank you!

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