
【备战2015高考】全国2015届高中英语试题汇编(10月上):U单元 重庆

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:63次 大小:23339Byte 来源:二一课件通
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本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网www.21cnjy.com U单元 重庆 目录 TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u U单元 重庆 1 U1 完形填空(一) 1 U2 完形填空(二) 3 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc398216166" U3开放式作文 4 U4 提纲式作文 4 U1 完形填空(一) 【英语卷(解析)·2015届重庆市重庆一中高三上学期第一次月考(201409)】A The carpenter I hire d to help me restore an old farmhouse had just finished a rough first day on the job. A flat tire made him an hour of work, his electric saw quit and now his ancient pickup truck refused to start, so I offered him a . While I drove him home, he sat in stony silence.【版权所有:21教育】 On arriving, he i nvited me in to meet his family. As we walked together toward his house, he at a small tree by the front door, touching the branches with his hands. The moment he opened the door, he had amusing . His eyes lit up and he ran to his two small children and hugged them and gave his wife a kiss. After leaving the joyful family, I passed the tree and my got the better of me, so I asked, “Before we went in the house, did you stop by the tree ” “Oh, that’s my trouble tree.” he replied, “I know I can’t having worries both on the job and in my life, but those don’t belong in the house with my wife and children. I know I can one thing for sure, so every night before I walk into my home I hang them up on the tree.” “Funny thing is,” h e , “when I come out in the morning to pick them up, there aren’t nearly as as I remember putting up the night before.” 16.A. lose B. find C. expect D. finish 17.A. tip B. ride C. car D. coffee 18.A. stared B. waved C. sat D. paused 19.A. expressions B. kids C. changes D. stories 20.A. willingly B. quietly C. carefully D. cheerfully 21.A. pity B. curiosity C. habit D. satisfaction 22.A. how B. when C. why D. what21教育网 23.A. keep B. help C. appreciate D. allow 24.A. problems B. jobs C. facts D. duties 25.A. correct B. remove C. learn D. control 26.A. admitted B. suggested C. insisted D. smiled 27.A. many B. good C. interesting D. free 【答案】【知识点】U1 完形填空(一) 【文章综述】讲述的是作者通过一个木 匠处理工作中的烦恼的方法,意识到了不要把烦恼带给家人,每个人都应该有一颗自己的烦恼树,用来悬挂烦恼,为了不影响家人。 【答案解析】 16.A考查动词辨析A. lose 失去;B. find发现;C. expect 期望;D. finish完成;句意:瘪了的轮胎让他失去一小时的工作时间 。根据上文我雇佣木匠来给我干活,而轮胎没气让他耽搁了工作,故选A项。 17.B考查名词辨析A. tip提示;B. ride骑车;C. car 车;D. coffee咖啡;句意:因此我让他骑车回家。根据上文提到轮胎瘪了,故选B项。 18.D考查动词辨析A. stared盯着 ;B. waved挥手;C. sat坐下;D. paused暂停;句意:当我们走到他家时,他在门口附近的小树下停了一下,用手摸了摸树枝,根据句意可知停了一会,故选D项。 19.C考查名词辨析A. expressions表达;B. kids 孩子;C. changes改变;D. stories故事;句意:当门打开的一瞬间,他快乐的改变了。根据下方提到His eyes lit up and he ran to his two small children可知选C项。 20.D考查副词辨析A. willingly愿意;B. quietly安静地;C. carefully仔细地;D. cheerfully ... ...

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