
【大单元整合】Unit 1 (Section A 1a-2d)课件+导学案+音频(人教九年级Unit 1 How can we become good learners.)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:20次 大小:11259123Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit 1 How can we become good learners 第1课时 Section A(1a~2d) 人教新目标英语九年级U1第课时 使用时间: 编制: 1 【知识目标】 1.重点单词:textbook, conversation, aloud, pronunciation, sentence, patient 2.重点词组:make word cards, listen to tapes, have conversations with, read aloud, too…to… practice doing sth., finish doing sth., give a report., word by word, sound difficult. 3.重点句式:How do you study for a test? I study by working with a group. It’s too hard to understand spoken English. The more you read, the faster you’11 be. 【重点难点】[] 1.熟记重点单词短语。 2.How 引导的特殊疑问句。[来:3.动词+by doing 的用法。 【情感目标。】 1.能运用句式用英语谈论学习方法。 2.正确的学习方法有助于我们提高学习效率, 从而提高我们的学习成绩。 【导学流程】 一、Leadi- in.(导):略, 可以根据班级情况自己安排(2-4分钟) 二、 Learn by yourself. 自学要求:①零抬头 ② 零侧目 ③零交流(5分钟) 1、单词冲浪。(先熟记第156页P1-2的单词,再闭合书本测试。) 音标 单词及词性 中文 音标网] 单词及词性 中文 ['tekstb k] [pr ,n ns 'e ( )n] [] [k nv 'se ( )n] ['sent ns] [来源 [ 'la d] ['pe ( )nt] 2、细读1-2页的1a-2d划出重点词组及句子并记住: 1.通过制作单词卡片 2.向某人请求帮助 _____ 3.通过小组合作学习 4.听录音磁带 5.同某人对话 6.大声朗读 7.练习发音 8.太…而不能… 9.英语口语 10.作报告 11.逐词地 12.这得慢慢来 3、完成课本的1a, 并阅读下列问题为听力做准备。 三listen、听录音完成下列听力题目, 每遍录音听两遍(6-8分钟)。 1b. Listen to the conversation and fill in the chart.. Names How does he/ she study for a test Meiping by _____ Peter by _____ Tony by _____ 2a. Listen and answer the questions. 1)what are they talking about _____ 2)How many methods did they use to learn English _____ 3)What does the boy think about reading aloud to practice pronunciation _____ 2d.Listen and choose the best answer. ( )1. What is Jack's problem A. He can't read fast. B. He doesn't understand many of the words. C. He can't understand what people say. D. Both A and B. ( )2. How can Jack read faster according to the conversation A. Read word by word. B. Read word groups. C. Read aloud. D. Use the dictionary. ( )3. What can Jack do if he doesn't understand the words A. Look them up in the dictionary. B. Ask the teacher for help. C. Guess the meanings of the words by reading the sentence before and after them. D. Write them on the notebook. 2d.Listen and fill in the blanks. Jack has to finish reading a book and give a report next Monday. He's _____ because he is a _____. Annie suggests that he should just read quickly to get the main ideas _____. Don't read _____. Read _____. Jack can't understand many of the words. He has to _____. Annie advises Jack to try to guess a word's meaning _____ before and after it. All in all, _____ you read, _____ you'll be. 四、 Discuss.议(5分钟) 1.小组讨论上述问题的答案并得出缘由。 2.讨论下还有哪些英语学习的方法, 用对话形式呈现 2、 Role play the conversation in 2d(分角色朗读2d). 3、by 有哪些用法 五、 Show 展(5_8分钟) 展的要求:【1】动作要快【2】声音洪亮, 口齿清晰 【 ... ...

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