
【大单元整合】Unit 1 (Section A 3a-4c)课件+音频+导学案(人教新目标九年级Unit 1 How can we become good learners)

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:52次 大小:3822127Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 1 How can we become good learners Topic: Learning how to learn Language goal: Talk about how to study Section A (3a-3b) 1.你如何学习英语?我通过和小组一起学习的方式来学习英语。 2.我怎样才能读得更快?你可以通过读词组的方式读得更快。 3.你是通过大声朗读来学习英语吗?是的。这对我的发音有帮助。 4.你读得越多,你就会读得越快。 5.我怎样才能提升我的发音?通过听磁带是一种方式。 How do you learn English I learn by studying with a group. How can I read faster You can read faster by reading word groups. Do you learn English by reading aloud Yes, I do. It helps my pronunciation. The more you read, the faster you will be. How can I improve my pronunciation One way is by listening to tapes. Revision Learn by yourselves 语言学习的秘密 太...而不能... 害怕做某事 爱上 肢体语言 也 大部分时间 the secret to language learning too...to be afraid to do sth. fall in love with body language as well most of the time 记笔记 查字典 以便,为了 发现做某事很难 脸上的表情 对……感兴趣 对......有更深的理解 take notes look up (the word in) the dictionary. have better understanding of ... find it difficult to do sth. the expressions on the faces be interested in so that Pre-reading Look at the picture and the title, and then guess: 1. What is the passage about when you read this title 2. What's Wei Fen holding in her hand 3. How does she learn to learn English according to the picture While-reading Skimming: Read the title, the first sentence in each paragraphs and complete the table. Time Attitudes or changes Last year One day Now She did not like the English class. She fell in love with Toy Story. She really enjoys the English class. Scanning: Read and answer the questions in 3a. 1. Why did Wei Fen find it difficult to learn English 2. What did she do in English class 3. What is the secret to language learning Because the teacher spoke so quickly that Wei Fen didn't understand her most of the time. And she was afraid to ask questions because of her poor pronunciation. She just hid behind her textbook and never said anything. Listening to something interesting is the secret to language learning. 3a While-reading Careful reading:Read Para. 2 and finish 3b. 1. I can understand the meaning by watching their _____ and the _____ on their faces. 2. I can get the meaning by listening for just the _____. 3. My pronunciation improved by listening to the _____ in English movies. 4. I learned _____ sentences like “It's a piece of cake” by watching the movies. 5. I can find the meaning of new words by looking them up in a _____. body language expressions key words conversations useful dictionary 3b While-reading 1.What does she want to learn 2.Why She wants to learn new words and more grammar. To have a better understanding of English movies. Read Para. 3 and answer. Last year,I did not like my English class.The teacher spoke so quickly_____I did not understand her _____.I was afraid to _____ because of my_____. Then one da ... ...

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