
新思维小学英语 2B Chapter 5 Sports we like 学习任务单(无答案)

日期:2024-06-27 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:45次 大小:261457Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Module: Fun and games Unit: Sports and games we play Task 5 A sports club Task description Pupils make notes about the sports they like playing. In pairs, they discuss what sports they like playing based on what they have written and choose a sports club to join together. Learning target(s) ISb to converse about feelings, interests and experiences ISe to obtain and provide objects and information in simple classroom situations KSa to provide or find out and present simple information on familiar topics KSb to interpret and use given information through processes such as describing and classifying; and to follow simple instructions Language skills Listening Locate or provide specific information in response to simple questions Recognise the connection between ideas supported by appropriate cohesive devices, including connectives Speaking Use simple phrases and sentences to communicate with others with the help of cues Open an interaction by eliciting a response Maintain an interaction by using single words and formulaic expressions to ask questions and reply, and by providing information in response to factual or yes/no questions Writing Use the left to right directionality sequence and use capital and small letters Put words into a logical order to make meaningful phrases or sentences Provide personal ideas and information based on a model or framework provided Generic skills Collaboration skills Assume different roles in group work and role-play Communication skills Interact with teachers and classmates in classroom situations and activities Provide, use and exchange simple information on familiar topics Critical thinking skills Provide, use, find out, interpret and present simple information on familiar topics Values and attitudes Develop confidence in using English through performing tasks on their own or in groups Develop sensitivity towards language use in the process of communication Task steps Read the rubrics and examples carefully with the class. Practise the language needed for the task and demonstrate the steps by using the pictures at each step of the task. Part A Pupils write down what sports they like on the task sheet. Part B Pupils get into pairs and look at the clubs on the Copymaster. Pupils discuss what sports they like and then choose a sports club they would like to join. More able pupils could tell the class which sports they and their friends like and which sports clubs they have decided to join. What sports do you like Write. I like … Get into pairs. Find out what sports you and your partner like. Choose a sports club to join together. Example : What do you like doing after school : I like playing football. Do you like playing football : No, I don’t like playing football but I like swimming. Do you like swimming : Yes, I do. Let’s join the Swimming Club. Come and join a club! ( Task 5 How well did you do Circle. ‘ A ’ is the best. Did you ask questions correctly A B C D E Did you answer the questions correctly A B C D ... ...

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