
中考英语专题复习:There be 句型精讲(表格式)

日期:2024-09-22 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:41次 大小:33280Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中考英语专题复习:There be 句型精讲 教学设计 课题 There be 句型讲解 课时 1 课型 语法课 授课教师 授课班级 授课日期 教学目标 Knowledge aims 掌握There is/are 句型。 掌握there be 句型与have句型的区别。Ability aims能够在英语句子中正确运用there be 句型。3.Emotional aims: 通过学习,提高学生学英语的兴趣。 教学重点 掌握There be 句型的各种句式变化及be 的正确使用。 教学难点 学生能够运用There be 句型描述日常生活中的事物。 教学方法 Task-based-teaching and-learning cooperative learningDiscussion-and-practice 学法指导 引导方法 辅助教具 多媒体 教学过程 Step1: lead-in (brainstorming)回顾be 动词用法,导入there is/are 句型知识讲解。Step2: Grammar learningThere be 句型基本结构 1. 定义:There be句型表示某处存在某物或某人。 (大多数置于句首) 2. 结构:There is + 单数可数名词/不可数名词 + 地点/时间状语. (2) There are + 复数名词 + 地点/时间状语Eg: 1.There is a kangaroo in my kitchen.译文:在我的厨房里有一只袋鼠。 2. There are ten ducks in my dining room.译文:在我的餐厅里有十只鸭子。注意:There be 的谓语动词be 的变化,取决于be 动词之后的名词,be 动词之后的名词是单数用is ,复数用are.T: Can you use there be sentences to describe our school and classroom Eg:There is a playground in our school. There are fans and curtains in our classroom. .......句型结构: ①肯定句: There+be (is/are) +某物/某人+地点/时间。②否定句:There+be(is/are)+not+某物/某人+地点/时间。③一般疑问句: Be(Is/Are)+there+某物/某人+地点/时间? 肯定回答:Yes, there is/are 否定回答:No, there is/ aren’tEg: a. There is a student in the classroom. b. There is not a student in the classroom. c. Is there a student in the classroom Yes, there is/ No, there isn’t.总结:There be 句型的肯定句变否定句时,可直接在is/are之后加not, 变疑问句时,把is/are 置于句首。特别提醒:把 There are some books on the desk.变否定句或者疑问句时,要把some改为any.4.There be 和have 的区别 There be 表示某处存在某物或某人(不指明谁拥有) Have 表示某人拥有某物/某人 (拥有关系)主语是I/we/they/you/用have.主语是第三人称单数/she/he用has.1. There is a kangaroo in my kitchen.2. I have a kangaroo in my kitchen.Step3:Practice用There be , have或 has填空。There_____ a map on the wall.There _____many books on her desk.There_____ a teacher and many students in the classroom.There _____some money on the desk.There _____ two pens and a book in my schoolbag.I _____ a good father and a good mother.They _____ a nice garden.She _____ some dress.Step4 Summarize 课堂小结: There be句型有特点,主语跟在be后边。 单数主语用is,复数用are记心间, 多个主语并列时,be随身边主语变。 变否定,很简单,be后要把not添。Step 5 Homework. Learn the important grammar points by heart. 个性修改或补充 板书设计 课后反思 ... ...

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