ID: 17111366

Module 3 Unit 3 Seasons 表格式教案

日期:2025-03-13 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:99次 大小:15356B 来源:二一课件通
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3B Module3 Things around us Unit3 Seasons 【教学过程】 Procedures Contents Methods Purposes Pre-task preparation I. Warmer 1. A song II. Elicitation 1. Q: Does Jacy know four seasons Why 1-1 Watch & sing Think & answer Read & chant 歌舞活跃课堂气氛。通过问答,为本课的引入作铺垫。 While-task procedures I. Views of four seasons Q: What can Jacy see in four seasons II. The activities of four seasons 1. Autumn in Jacy’s eyes. Q1: What can Jacy do in autumn Q2: What does Jacy write about the autumn 2. Winter in Jacy’s eyes. Q1: What can Jacy do in winter Q2: Can Jacy ice-skate or ski in our school Why Q3: What does Jacy write about the winter 3. Spring in Jacy’s eyes. Q1: What can Jacy do in spring Q2: What does Jacy write about the spring 4. Summer in Jacy’s eyes. Q1: What can Jacy do in summer Q2: What does Jacy write about the summer III. The game about four seasons Q1: What season is it 1-1 Listen & tick 1-2 Look &say 1-1 Listen & follow 1-2 Ask & answer 1-3 Look & read 2-1 Read & answer 2-2 Read & chant 2-3 Think & say 2-4 Read & say 3-1 Read & underline 3-2 Ask & answer 3-3 Watch & say 3-3 Say & act 4-1 Read & answer 4-2 Think & say 1-1 Ask & answer 通过问题引领理解故事主要内容。通过图、文,了解故事梗概。层层推进,学习课文。在Jacy认识四季的过程中,重点学习四季的景象与活动。学会用4~5句话对四季的特点进行介绍和表达。 Post-task activities I. Jacy’s favourite season Q1: Why Jacy thinks it’s a happy land here Q2: What season does Jacy like 1-1 Look & read 1-2 Think & say 1-3 Say & act 创设半开发性情境,引发学生思考,合作介绍Jacy喜欢的季节。夯实语用,促进能力。 Assignment I. Oral ◆Introduce different activities in different seasons. II. Written ◆Choose one season and write. Board desigh

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