
外研版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 4 Stage and screen Using Language课时分层练(含答案)

日期:2024-06-17 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:76次 大小:27046Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 4 Stage and screen Using Language—2023-2024学年高一英语外研版(2019)必修第二册课时分层练 【夯实基础】 知识点1 名词的用法 1. Only when he apologizes for his _____ (rude) will I speak to him again. 2. The staff are talking about the possible reasons for his _____ (absent). 知识点2现在分词 3. The clever boy answered the question _____ (use) another way. 4. It rained heavily in the south, _____ (cause) serious floods in some areas. 5. "What a beautiful flower!" said Bob, _____ (look) at the red rose in the yard. 【提升能力】 6. When it comes to the film, some say it is a real _____(失败之作). 7. In his articles he referred to the _____(浪漫的) trip to the Maldives repeatedly. 8. Only you can fully realize which _____(方面) of college life will make you truly happy. 9. The course in creative storytelling functions as an introduction to a variety of storytelling _____(技巧). 10. I have seen the _____(纪录片) about the heroes safeguarding the motherland and protecting borders. 【核心素养】 A Why do people listen to music The answer may seem simple: Music is pleasant to make and to hear. But music touches our lives in many other ways, too. Music changes our moods My brother doesn't choose music based on what he wants to hear. Instead, he decides what he wants to feel and picks music with that mood in mind. Upbeat, bright-sounding music generally makes people feel happy. But some people enjoy listening to sad music, too. It can be like talking with a friend who understands your suffering. But for some people, sad music can make them feel even sadder. Music helps us get things done Do you ever listen to music while you work I do, and I find that it sometimes helps me concentrate. According to one expert, music can help you pay attention to boring or repeated tasks. But when you are doing tasks that require more thought, music can disturb you, making them harder. My mom, a preschool teacher, uses music to manage her class. When she wants to call a child, instead of yelling the child's name, she sings it. This creates a more positive environment, while still getting the child's attention. Music brings people together Music can also bring people closer to each other. This is especially true of music played live. Live music often features a group of people playing different instruments, which makes it a shared experience. Listeners can share in the emotions the song expresses. They also create memories together. And speaking of memories, lots of people connect music with specific places, people or events. Whenever they hear a certain song, they are transported back to some points in the past. Thus music can connect people not only to present people but also to people from their past. Music is far more than just entertainment; it is a powerful force that affects us in many ways. 1. Why do some people enjoy sad music A. It can get their attention. B. It makes them feel happy. C. It can be like talking with a friend. D. It makes them feel sadder. 2. Listen ... ...

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