
外研版(2019)必修 第一册Unit 6 At one with nature课时分层练(含答案)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:32次 大小:25762Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 6 At one with nature Understanding Ideas—2023-2024学年高一英语外研版(2019)必修第一册课时分层练 【夯实基础】 知识点1固定搭配 1. Some insects can be _____ (harm) to the rice crops. 2. The police prevented anybody from _____ (enter) the scene of the accident. 知识点2形容词的比较级 3. Mr. Tan is kind, patient, generous and selfless, and we can't find a _____ (good) teacher. 知识点3形容词的用法 4. Her book raised awareness of the _____ (harm) effects of chemicals on the world's lakes. 5. We should work together to create a _____ (harmony) society where everyone can live in harmony with each other. 【提升能力】 6. She agreed to r_____ the room to me. 7. It's hard to find l_____ things in the desert. 8. Natural resources are l_____, so don't waste them. 9. These fish are found in s_____ waters around the coast. 10. The n _____ street made it difficult for the big truck to pass. 【核心素养】 A It was our last class before the summer break. I was finishing the first year of an MFA program. I was tired and puzzled. "Was I good enough to be in the program " When the professor asked about our summer plans, I panicked. I didn't want to appear idle (无所事事的). "Gardening." I responded immediately. Actually, I knew nothing about plants! My professor nodded and said, "What a good idea, Mary! Emily Dickinson loved gardening." Emily Dickinson lived in the countryside, studying plants as a child. I was in my late twenties, living in the city without gardening experience. A few days later, I bought a jalape o seedling (青辣椒苗). At least I could say I'd tried gardening. I watered and changed the dirt for my little plant. I even talked to it. And over the summer, it grew bigger and bigger. I was proud. Maybe I didn't have a black thumb after all. I started the second year of my MFA, and then it was almost December and my jalape o was suffering. It was brown in some places, and many of its leaves had fallen. Would my little guy make it I prayed, "Please be okay," as if its survival was closely linked to mine. I worked hard in school. Spring came. My jalape o plant came back to life. It grew bigger with new leaves. And then it flowered. I handed in my graduate paper, a book of poems, in May. "Your poems are strong," my professor said. A huge weight lifted. I'd done it! At that time, I found the flowers on my jalape o plant were gone. I watched closer. A tiny green fruit pushed through where a flower had been. I smiled. I had succeeded in my MFA program, and my jalape o plant had grown right beside me, and I successfully did things I hadn't thought possible. 1. Why did the author begin gardening A. Just by accident. B. Because of the love of gardening. C. To express love for Emily Dickinson. D. Because of the reminding of a professor. 2. When did the author begin her first gardening A. In her childhood. B. In one of her summer breaks. C. In her teens. D. In her first year of the MFA program. 3. What does the underlined phrase “a black thumb” in paragraph 2 ... ...

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