
北师大版(三起)六年级英语上册 Unit 1--2 易错点检测卷(含答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:78次 大小:285941Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 北师大版(三起)六年级英语上册 Unit 1--2 易错点检测卷(含答案) 一、单选题 1.( ) In American ,many parents teach their children to help_____ chores. A.do B.to C.with 2.Which is _____, Beijing or Shanghai A.the biggest B.bigger C.big D.biggest 3.We’re going to _____ mountains tomorrow.( ) A.climb B.climbed C.climbing 4.I _____ a big pizza yesterday. A.eat B.ate C.eated 5.Mr. Wang likes _____ his family _____ the beach for a swim. ( ) A.take; to B.bring; to C.to take; to 6.—What is Beijing famous for ( ) —It’s famous for _____. A.flowers B.beaches C.Beijing Duck D.grass 7.He _____ want to do his chores. A.don't B.doesn't C.can't D.do 二、情景选择 8.My brother ___time to watch TV. A.don’t have B.doesn’t has C.doesn’t have 9.Take the medicine--a day. You’ll be all right soon. A.Two times B.twice C.two time 10.He quickly walks to the note and____. A.Picks up it B.picks it up C.pick it up D.pick up it 11.—Whose desk is this ( ) — It’s ___. A.Tim’s and Jim’s B.Tim and Jim’s C.Tim and Jim D.Tim’s and Jim 12.—_____ are we going this weekend ( ) —We’re going to the zoo. A.Where B.What C.How 13.I ___feed the fish every day. A.don’t B.doesn’t C.am not 三、句子匹配 A.Yes, I do. B.OK. C. Yes, I'd like some juice. D.Yes, please. E. Rice, fish and vegetables. 14.Let's have breakfast. ( ) 15.Would you like some milk, mum ( ) 16.Do you like fish ( ) 17.What's for dinner ( ) 18.Would you like a drink ( ) 四、连词成句 19.连词成句。(1)moved, yesterday, here, we (.)(2)Amy, short, was, year, last(.)(3)animal, which, larger, is( )(4)many, club, are, activities, in, there, the(.)(5)Miss, Brown, funnier, I, is, think(.) 连词成句。 20.many / clubs / there / children’s / America / are / in ( . ) _____ 21.come/ after / children / to / the / club / usually / school ( . ) _____ 22.can / club / who / the / come / to ( ) _____ 23.do/ after / activities / you / lunch / what / do ( ) _____ 24.think/ the / geography / difficult / I / subject / is / most ( . ) _____ 25.连词成句,注意标点符号和大小写。 1.have to,I,the fish,feed. _____ 2.often,Kim,his bed,makes. _____ 3.sometimes,the grass,Matt,cuts. _____ 4.never,on,chores,do,they,Saturday. _____ 5.often,walks,she,the,dog. _____ 五、选内容补全对话/短文 26.根据所给的语境和首字母的提示,补充完整下面的对话。 Nina: Can you d_____sports with me this weekend, Andy Andy: Sorry, I can't. Nina: W_____will you do this weekend Andy: I don’t know. My mom a_____ comes home from work so tired. I w_____to help her around the house. What chores can I do around the house for my mom Nana: Try this... make a list of (一列表) the chores your mom has to do when she comes home from work. Andy: OK. She has to m_____the bed. I will do it. She has to cook. I c_____cook, but I will help her by washing the vegetables. She has to d_____the dishes. She has to c_____the floor, dust the furniture and w__ ... ...

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