
新概念英语第一册lesson 53-54 课件(共123张PPT,内嵌视频,无音频)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:79次 大小:111956040Byte 来源:二一课件通
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New Concept English 1 Lesson 53-54 An interesting climate Part 1 Warm Up Watch the video. What is the favorite subject of conversation in England? Part 2 Words & Expressions Read the words. mild conversation always best interesting east/west rise/set/early/late wet Look, listen and repeat. Listen and spell. d l m i Look and read. 温和的,温暖的 mild m i l d Listen and repeat. 气候温和。 The climate is mild. Look and say. Look, listen and repeat. Listen and spell. al w s ay Look and read. al w ay s 总 是 always Listen and repeat. The climate is always pleasant. 气候总是宜人的。 Look and say. Look, listen and repeat. Listen and spell. e w t Look and read. e w t 潮湿的 wet Listen and repeat. It's wet today. 今天是潮湿的。 Look and say. Look, listen and repeat. Listen and spell. b t s e Look and read. b t s e 最 best Listen and repeat. Which seasons do you like best? 你最喜欢哪个季节? Look and say. Look, listen and repeat. Listen and spell. ing ter in est ing ter in est 有趣的,有意思的 interesting Look and read. Listen and repeat. He is reading an interesting book. 他正在读一本有趣的书。 Look and say. Look, listen and repeat. Listen and spell. ver tion con sa Look and read. ver tion con sa 谈 话 conversation Listen and repeat. They are having an interesting conversation. 他们正在进行一场有趣的谈话。 Look and say. Look, listen and repeat. Listen and spell. i e r s Look and read. i e r s 升 起 rise Look, listen and repeat. Listen and spell. e t s Look and read. e t s (太阳)落下去 set Look, listen and repeat. Listen and spell. l ea r y Look and read. l ea r y 早 early Look, listen and repeat. Listen and spell. l e t a Look and read. l e t a 晚,迟 late Look, listen and repeat. The sun rises early and sets late. 太阳升得早,落得晚。 antonym 反义词 rise set antonym 反义词 early late antonym 反义词 wet dry Look, listen and repeat. Listen and spell. a s e t Look and read. a s e t 东 方 east Look, listen and repeat. Listen and spell. w s e t Look and read. w s e t 西 方 west East or west , home is best. 金窝银窝不如自家的草窝。 Look, listen and repeat. Look and say. direction 方向 West North East South Read again. mild conversation always best interesting east/west rise/set/early/late wet Fill in the blanks. The climate is _____. mild mild wet interesting always best conversation rise & set east & west Fill in the blanks. Which seasons do you like _____? best wet interesting always best conversation rise & set east & west Fill in the blanks. It's _____ today. wet wet interesting always conversation rise & set east & west Fill in the blanks. The sun ____early and ____ late. rise interesting always conversation rise & set east & west set Fill in the blanks. The climate is _____ pleasant. always interesting always conversation east & west Fill in the blanks. They are having an interesting _____ . conversation interesting conversation east & west Fill in the blanks. ____ or _____,home is best. East interesting east & west west Fill in the blanks. He is reading ... ...

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