ID: 17312359

Module 8 Unit 2 Sam is going to ride a horse. 第4课时课件(20张PPT)

日期:2025-03-09 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:26次 大小:7690577B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Module 8 第4课时 Unit 2 Sam is going to ride a horse. 4. Listen and say. Then sing. 5. Look and say. 6. Do and say. Act Warming up Act out the dialogue. Free talk Warming up Look and say. I’m going by plane. We’re going to... 北京 陕西 海南 山西 Play a game Warming up Look and guess. Guess: Where am I going Bingo, I’m going to visit the zoo. e zoo. z You’re going to visit the zoo. Presentation 学习:Listen and say. Then sing. Listen to the song. I am going to the zoo. Do you like the zoo Yes. Presentation Look and read. The zoo, the zoo, we’re going to visit the zoo. Look and think. What are they talking about 学习:Listen and say. Then sing. Presentation Listen to the song. Then read and sing it. 学习:Listen and say. Then sing. Presentation Revise the song. 改编歌曲:用school、park、theme park来改编歌曲。 学习:Listen and say. Then sing. Presentation 学习:Look and say Play a game: What animals are they They are elephants. Presentation 学习:Look and say Play a game: What animals are they It’s their favourite food. What animals are they They are pandas. tiger Presentation 学习:Look and say I can fly. lion monkey bird I like bananas best. Presentation 学习:Look and say lions tigers pandas elephants monkeys birds In the zoo Let’s visit them. I’m going to visit... Presentation 学习:Look and say Group work. 以小组为单位,接龙说句子并在教室前面进行展示。 I’m going to swim. I’m going to swim and visit the zoo. I’m going to swim, visit the zoo and take pictures. I’m going to swim, visit the zoo, take pictures and… Presentation 学习:Do and say 请学生分组根据要求制定旅行计划并绘制相应的卡片。 要求: a. 说明地点:We’re going to visit... b. 说明时间:We’re going...on... c. 说明出行方式:We’re going by... d. 说明计划要做的事:We’re going to... Presentation 学习:Do and say Show and introduce the plans. Then choose the best one. Consolidation and extension Finish tasks 用“be going to”结构来谈论自己的计划,设计一下自己的寒假计划,以表格的形式记录下来,并进行汇报。 拓展延伸 Work in groups. Consolidation and extension Discuss: How can you help them Summing up & Homework Summing up Words: visit, lion, tiger, panda, elephant, monkey, bird Sentences: We’re going to.. Summing up & Homework 1. Make up dialogues in groups. 小组创编对话。 2. Finish the relevant workbook exercises. 完成课堂检测中的相关习题。 3. Try to write an e-mail about your travel plan. 尝试写一封关于旅行计划的电子邮件。 Homework Thank you!

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