
Module 10 Unit 1 He was in the kitchen. 第1课时课件(15张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:83次 大小:3057152Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Module 10 第1课时 Unit 1 He was in the kitchen. 1. Listen and chant. 2. Listen, read and act out. Warm-up Greeting Warm-up Let’s do Go to the living room, watch TV. Go to the kitchen, have a snack. Go to the toilet, wash my face. Go to the study, read a book. Go to the bedroom, have a sleep. Warm-up Chant together. Now, Sam, Tom, John, Lingling and Amy are playing a game: hide-and-seek. Where is Sam Where is Lingling Where is John Let’s have a look together. Presentation Lead-in hide-and seek bedroom found kitchen toilet living room hide won Listen, read and act out Learn the new words Read the new words. Listen, read and act out Learn and read Listen, read and act out Where is Sam Where is Lingling Where is John Where is Tom What is Tom doing He is in the bedroom. She is in the toilet. He is in the kitchen. He is in the living room. He is sleeping. Listen, read and act out Role-play Listen, read and act out Sum up Sam, Amy and some children are playing hide-and-seek. Where is Sam Oh, he is in the bedroom. Where is Lingling Oh, she is in the toilet. Where is John Oh, he is in the kitchen. Where is Tom Oh, he is in the living room. He is sleeping there. Haha... Listen, read and act out Read the text together Consolidation and extension Play hide-and-seek 游戏说明:老师点几名同学藏起来(或蹲下,或藏在同学背后、门后等),一名同学站在讲台前,背向大家,等躲藏的同学藏好了,该同学再去寻找,找到了必须说:...is in somewhere. 如实在找不出,则问其他同学:Where is... Is he in the... 然后根据其他同学的回答找出所藏同学,最后用句子I found...first. He was in the...来总结。 Consolidation and extension Play hide-and-seek 参考短语: stand in the corner of the classroom(站在教室角落处) crouched behind the desk(蹲在书桌后面) near somebody near the window near the door near the teacher’s desk near the blackboard behind the door behind... Homework 1. Listen to the tape and read the text twice. 2. Play hide-and-seek with your family at home. Thank you!

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