

日期:2024-06-18 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:39次 大小:138943Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    完成句子———2024届九年级英语中考语法复习试题 一、完成句子 1 .他宁可在家看书也不愿参加课外活动。 He would rather . 2 .如果你去伦敦,请一定去科学博物馆。 If you go to London, you visit the Science Museum. 3 .昨天你打电话时,我正在读报纸。 I was when you called me up yesterday. 4 .只有博览群书,我们才能增长知识、开阔眼界。 Only by can we gain more knowledge and broaden our horizons. 5 .每年有数以百万计的人去参观那个小镇。 Every year, people go to visit that small town. 6 .他像医生研究患者似地把目光集中在这些石头上。 His eyes the stones like a doctor studying his patient. 7.只要我们齐心协力永不放弃,就一定能够战胜冠状病毒. As long as all of us pull together and never ,we sure to win the coronavirus 8.根据他多变的性格,你觉得他多久会改变主意? Can you guess based on his changeable personality 9 .我们必须更加认真对待浪费食物的问题。 We must take the problem of wasting food . 10 .他爸爸告诉他在公众场合多注意言行。 His father told him to his words and behavior in public. 11.打扰一下,你能告诉我该把这本书放在哪里呢? Excuse me. Could you tell me this book 12 .由于环境保护,山越来越绿了。 Thanks to environmental protection, the mountains are . 13 .我打算长大后当一名飞行员。 I am going to be a pilot when I . 14.他的第一部小说 2020 年问世了。 His first novel in 2020. 15 .习近平主席说,幸福是奋斗出来的。 President Xi Jinping said that happiness hard work. 16 .毫无疑问,这两个产品都不达标。 17.快点!如果我们 5 点前不到达车站,就会错过这趟火车。 Hurry up! If we at the station before 5 o'clock, we the train. 18 .她一个人坐在饭厅里。 She was sitting in the dining hall. 19 .别担心,这件衣服能洗干净。 Don’t worry. The coat clean. 20 .我希望你们仔细检查试卷上的答案。 I hope you can check the answers on the paper . 21.当我认为某事是对的时候, 我一定会坚持去做。 When I think something is right, I will that. 22 .饭前洗手是个好习惯。 It’s a good habit to before meals. 23 .他阻止了我们把废品倒入河里。 He us pouring the waste into the river. 24 .天气如果不很冷,我明天去看你。 it is really cold, I see you tomorrow. 25.张艺谋执导的《满江红》值得一看吗? the film All Red by Zhang Yimou 26 .He will go to Beijing to study law next year, (改为否定句) He to Beijing to study law next year. 27 .他和我都对这件事一无所知。 (完成译句) he I know anything about it. 28 .令我吃惊的是,我发现自己和这个陌生人之间有很多共同之处。 To my surprise, I found I with this stranger. 29 .这几天我们正在为英语考试 做准备。(prepare) These days we are the English test. 30 .茱莉亚不经常喝茶。 Julia doesn't very often. 31 .在大年初一,大多数家庭包许多饺子。 On the first day of Chinese New Year, most families make a lot of . 32 .政府在医疗安全方面取得了很大的进步。 The government has made a lot of progress in . 33 .Nothing is impossible if you (下定决心) . 34 .我真后悔弄的这么一团糟,我现在得从头开始。 I really and now I have to start all over again. 35 .“三孩政策”实施的目的是解决人口老龄化的问题。 The three-child policy is carried out the aging . 36 .你是否能成功 ... ...

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