
Module 4 Unit 10 Great storybooks 学案

日期:2024-06-09 科目:英语 类型:小学学案 查看:70次 大小:21236Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 10 Great storybooks 【学习目标】 1.通过阅读《伊索寓言》故事《风和太阳》,学习相关语言知识,感受诗歌语言的韵律和美。 2.通过完成后续练习,思考并理解故事的寓意。 【学习重难点】 1.词汇学习: blow off, take off 2.句型复习: I’ll blow off his clothes. 3.日常用语: Let’s see. Your turn. 【学习过程】 Step 1 Check 1.我是听写小能手。 _____ _____ 2.复习上一节课学习的内容,回忆一下作者及其作品,结对讨论,适当丰富对作者和童话书的介绍。如: A: Please introduce one of the writers. B: I want to tell you something about the writer Aesop. Aesop was a Greek writer. He wrote Aesop’s Fables. In this book there are many fables about animals. There are some well-known fables like “The fox and the grapes” and “The wind and the sun”. Each fable teaches us a lesson. … Step 2 Presentation 任务1 Read a story 1.学习本节课的新词汇。 blow off, take off, stronger, than, scarf 2.听录音,带着问题听故事。 (1) Which book is the story from (Aesop’s Fables.) (2) Who are in the story (Mr. Sun, Mr. Wind and a man.) (3) What did Mr. Sun and Mr. Wind do (They had a race.) (4) What did the man do when Mr. Wind blew (He put on his scarf.) (5) What did the man do when Mr. Sun shone (He took off his coat.) (6) Who was stronger, Mr. Wind or Mr. Sun (Mr. Sun.) 3.再听录音,逐句跟读,感知课文。(用双色笔圈出自己不懂的句子) 知识点: (1) I am stronger than you. 我比你更强壮。 (2) How hard I blow! 我刮(风)得多猛啊! How + adv. + 主语+ 谓语 (3) blow off 吹走 (4) Your turn. 该你了!看你的! (5) I had mine. 我使完了. 4.根据课文图片和关键字,如:stronger, blow , grow, blow off, put on, shine, take off等,复述课文. One day, Mr. Wind and Mr. Sun had a race. They wanted to see who was stronger. They saw a man. Mr. Wind blew strongly. The man felt cold, so he put on his scarf. Mr. Sun shone on the man. The man felt hot and took off his coat. So Mr. Sun won the race. He was stronger. 5.四人一组准备表演课本剧。在表演前确定个人承担的角色。 6.再听录音,根据自己的角色,学习模仿,关注不同角色的语音和语调。通过两到三次模仿,和组员们试着将自己扮演的角色的台词背出,然后以小组为单位进行排演。 Step 3 Show 展示风采: 课本剧表演。 Step 4 达标测评 回家后,脱离课本, 给父母复述今天所学习的寓言故事。 2 / 2

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