
Unit6 Meet my family PA Let’s learn(精美课件 音视频 英文详案 课时训练)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:21次 大小:10509396Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit6 Meet my family PA Let's learn教案 Teaching aims: Ss will be able to listen, say and read the words, “uncle”, “aunt”, “parents”, “family”, “baby” and “cousin”. Ss will be able to use the sentence structures “Meet my family!” “This is my ….” “He’s / She’s ….” and so on. 21 Ss can use these words and sentences correctly to talk about their family members, especially their uncles, aunts, baby brothers, baby sisters and cousins. Teaching key and difficult points: 21世纪教育网版权所有 Ss will be able to listen, say and read the key words and the key sentence structures.21·cn·jy·com Ss can use these key words and sentences correctly to talk about their family, especially their uncles, aunts, baby brothers, baby sisters and cousins. Teaching procedure: Step 1 Warm up Greeting& Sing T: Good morning, boys and girls. Sit down please. Let’s look and say. Who’s that man? Ss: He’s the father. T: The man is the father—tall, tall, tall! T: Who’s that man? Ss: She’s the mother. T: The woman is the mother—not so tall! T: This is the son. That’s the son—small, small, small. Ss: They are a family, one and all! Let’s chant! The man is the father—tall, tall, tall! The woman is the mother—not so tall! That’s the son—small, small, small. They are a family, one and all! Step 2 Presentation Elicit “parents” T: This is the …. T: They are parents! Ss: They are parents. 2) Elicit “They are ___’s parents.” T: They are ____’s parents. Ss: They’re Da Xiong’s parents. T: Who can have a try? Ss: They are _____’s parents. 3) Elicit “family” T: Father and mother, I love you. Let’s read it. S: Father and mother, I love you. T: Look. That’s the meaning of a family. Ss: family, family. 4) Let’s play! T: Let’s play a game! Find the family. Tadpole: Hi! Meet my family. _____ is my family. Ss: Picture C is my family. S2: Hi! Meet my family. Picture C is my family. Duck: Hi! Meet my family. Picture C is my family. Sheep: Hi! Meet my family. Picture B is my family.2·1·c·n·j·y Hi! Meet my family. Picture C is my family. 5) Elicit “baby brother” Pipi: Hello, I’m Pipi. I have a big family. Meet my family. My …, my … and me. T: Baby brother, baby sister. Ss: Baby brother, baby sister. 6) Read and choose. This is Uncle Wang. He is tall and thin. He has big eyes and a small mouth. Who is he? Ss: Picture 1. T: Uncle Wang. Uncle, uncle. Ss: Uncle, uncle. 7) Elicit “aunt” Ss: Uncle Zhang. Uncle Xie. T: And Aunt Ye. Aunt, aunt. Ss: Aunt, aunt. 8) Let’s say 9) Elicit “cousin” T: This is Pipi’s uncle/ aunt. This is Pipi’s cousins. 10) Let’s say! T: Father’s sister is ____. Ss: aunt T: Mother’s sister is ____. Ss: aunt T: Father’s brother is ____. Ss: uncle T: Mother’s brother is ____. Ss: uncle T: This is their baby. We can call him “cousin”. 11) Practice “This is …. He’s/ She’s ….” T: This is my uncle. He’s tall and strong. Ss: This is my cousin. She’s friendly. Ss: This is my _____. He is _____. This is my _ ... ...

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