

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:98次 大小:998451Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 2024新高考英语高考专题复习 专题七 构词法 考点集训 题组一 1. The cake recipe calls for a _____(mix) of flour, sugar, and eggs. 答案 mixture 2. In the _____(seven) grade, I started volunteering at the Monterey Bay Aquarium in California. 答案 seventh 3. I need to _____(apology) to my friend for being late for our meeting last night. 答案 apologize 4. The _____(submit) deadline for essays is fast approaching. 答案 submission 5. When I first met my neighbor, she greeted me with a warm and _____(friend) smile. 答案 friendly 6. It was a general _____(believe) that this dish would benefit the muscles, reduce pain, improve circulation, and warm the body. 答案 belief 7. Despite the long hours of his job, John approached each day with _____(enthusiastic). 答案 enthusiasm 8. Through careful _____(science) study, experts have uncovered lots of information about the human brain. 答案 scientific 9. Increasing public _____(aware) through education can help to prevent the spread of diseases. 答案 awareness 10. _____(ignore) is a dangerous thing that can lead to misunderstandings and disastrous consequences. 答案 Ignorance 11. The _____(injure) hiker was carried by the rescue team down the mountain, with her broken leg properly secured. 答案 injured 12. She stood in _____(amaze) as the fireworks lit up the sky above her, color bursting and filling her with wonder. 答案 amazement 13. The laws of physics are believed to be _____(universe) across the world, providing a foundation for discovery. 答案 universal 14. Every year, our company encourages its employees to make a _____(donate) to a local charity as a way of giving back to our community. 答案 donation 15. After weeks of bitterly cold temperatures, the residents of the small town were left feeling utterly _____(misery). 答案 miserable 16. As a _____(Europe) citizen, I enjoy the freedom of movement within the EU, which allows me to explore different cultures and traditions. 答案 European 17. The discovery of renewable energy sources has provided a _____(significance) opportunity for us to turn to cleaner energy alternatives. 答案 significant 18. But there is one interesting concept concerning Chinese food which is almost unheard of in the West, and which is becoming _____(increasing) ignored by the youth of the East—the ancient custom of “tonic food”. 答案 increasingly 题组二 1. _____(fail) is the mother of success. 答案 Failure 2. The weather in our city is extremely _____(change), with temperatures varying wildly. 答案 changeable 3. A dog's eating habit requires regular training before it is _____(proper) established. 答案 properly 4. The young student was over the moon to receive the _____(approve) of the admissions committee. 答案 approval 5. In spite of his rough exterior, the man left a lasting _____(impress) on me with his kind words. 答案 impression 6. The children at the park were _____(energy), running around and playing games all the time. 答案 ... ...

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