

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:26次 大小:991548Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 2024新高考英语高考专题复习 综合语篇填空训练(四) Passage 1(2023黑龙江哈尔滨三中高三二模,改编) Lion Dance, a folk show acted by people who 1.    (wrap) up in lion costume, is usually 2.    (perform) during traditional, cultural and religious festivals. It may also 3.    (show) on important occasions such as business opening events or wedding ceremonies. Meanwhile, it 4.    (prefer) to entertain special guests by the Chinese communities. There 5.    (be) usually two performers in a lion dance, one handling the lion's head while the other playing the body and tail. What 6.    (impress) audience most are all kinds of lions' movements conducted to the music played by gongs and drums. Lion dance is famous all over the world, particularly in Southeast Asian countries. Each country and region, however, 7.    (have) their own dancing styles, of which the most well-known is Southern Lion Dance that 8.    (originate) from Guangdong Province. In Hong Kong, ever since the 1980s when Chinese classic and martial arts movies 9.    (enjoy) great popularity, kung fu movies including Jet Li's “Huang Feihong” 10.    (reach) a large audience and attracted movie lovers all around the world, whatever their races or ages. 答案  1. are wrapped 2. performed 3. be shown 4. is preferred 5. are 6. impresses 7. has 8. originated 9. enjoyed 10. have reached Passage 2(2023湖北十一校高三联考二,改编) A traditional Chinese dance performed underwater in Luoyang 1.    (go) viral on social media during the Dragon Boat Festival in 2021. The show 2.    (lead) to renewed passion among audiences for traditional Chinese art and culture since it was released. The impressive dance is named The Prayer, which 3.    (be) the opening performance of the gala by Henan Television Station. In the show, the underwater actress 4.    (see) dancing in colorful traditional Chinese costume. The short dance, which 5.    (last) less than two minutes, was regarded as a combination of contemporary art and traditional Chinese culture. “The water made the costume even more gorgeous and the moves more graceful!” said one observer izens 6.    (leave) amazed by both the beauty of the dancer and the creativity involved in putting on the dance underwater. The dance 7.    (feature) a character from the famous painting The Nymph of the Luo River, the daughter of a sacred king character Fu Xi in a Chinese tale who drowned and then 8.    (become) a goddess. “The moves 9.    (film) underwater at 4.5 meters from the ground. The team 10.    (spend) a total of 26 hours underwater completing the shooting. The film team had to soak themselves in the water in each shooting session,” Chen Jia, director of the HNTV gala, said to local media. 答案  1. went 2. has led 3. was 4. was seen 5. lasted 6. were left 7. featured 8. became 9. were filmed 10. spent 21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷· ... ...

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