

日期:2024-06-06 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:15次 大小:991657Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 2024新高考英语高考专题复习 综合语篇填空训练(五) Passage 1(2023湖北华师一附中高三下学期期中,改编) The archaeological ruins of Liangzhu in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, 1.    (date) back 5,300 years, were included onto the UNESCO World Heritage List as a cultural site on July 9, 2019, 2.    (bring) the total number of the Asian country's sites on the list to 55. The ruins, its core area 3.    (cover) 14.3 square kilometers in the northwest of Hangzhou, are considered as important representation of early urban civilization, with rice-growing agriculture as the economic foundation. The heritage site includes city ruins with palace remains, 11 early-stage dams, and high-level cemetery sites. The site is also known for its abundance of ceremonial jade, 4.    (show) the complicated ritual system. It indicates a kingdom with a combined authority of God and kingship. For example, cong—the jade piece 5.    (form) a rectangle tube with a circular inner section—is typical of the artifact 6.    (unearth) in Liangzhu. In 1986, the biggest known item of this kind, 7.    (weigh) 6.5 kilograms and referred to as the “King of Cong”, was discovered in Fanshan Cemetery in the city ruins. 8.    (find) in 2007, walls of the ruins and the surrounding water conservation system combined 9.    (display) a massive infrastructure base, construction of which is estimated 10.     (take) 4,000 people a decade to accomplish. 答案  1. dating 2. bringing 3. covering 4. showing 5. forming 6. unearthed 7. weighing 8. Found 9. to display 10. to have taken Passage 2(2023浙江温州高三二模,改编) The Ancient City of Pingyao, originally 1.    (name) “Gu Tao”, was constructed during the Western Zhou Dynasty. 2.    (defend) against invaders, a wall was built around the city in 1370. More than 300 years later, gate towers were built 3.    (celebrate) a visit by Kangxi. The three most historic sites in Pingyao, often 4.    (refer) to as the city's “Three Historic Treasures”, are the ancient brick-made city wall, Zhenguo Temple and Shuanglin Temple. The first of these historic treasures, the ancient city wall, is 6,163 meters long, 5.    (separate) the city into two parts—an old city enclosed within the walls and the newer modern section of the city. The old town still looks as it did during the Qing Dynasty, with antique streets and buildings 6.    (line) aged roads. 7.    (walk) along the alleyways, one can appreciate the symmetrical(对称的) design of the city and its stylish manmade-cave houses. In the northeast corner of the city is the second treasure: Zhenguo Temple. Its Wanfo Hall is the third oldest wooden building in China, 8.    (house) numerous valuable painted sculptures. The third treasure is Shuanglin Temple. 9.    (build) during the Qi Dynasty, the temple boasts more than 2,000 painted clay statues 10.    (create) during the Yuan and Ming dynasties. ... ...

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