
新概念英语第一册 上半册 Lesson25-26课件(共41张PPT)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:30次 大小:3181427Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) kitchen What”s in the kitchen 刘凤君 Summer 20160122 Mrs.Smith's Kitchen Mrs.Smith's Kitchen What color is the electric cooker(电炉)? Mrs. 夫人 cooker n. 炉子,炊具 Kitchen n. 厨房 middle n. 中间 Refrigerator n. 电冰箱 of prep. (属于)…..的 Right n. 右边 room n. 房间 Electric adj.带电的,可通电的 cup n. 杯子 Left n. 左边 Where adv. 在哪里 on the right 在右边 on the left 在左边 in the middle of 在中间 Miss 小姐(未婚) Miss Wang 张小姐 Mrs. 夫人,太太 (已婚) Mrs. Black (其丈夫姓Black) Ms.女士(已婚未婚都可以) Ms. Li 李女士 electric cooker refrigerator table bottle cup electric cooker refrigerator cup bottle table On the left in the middle of on the right in on Let's practice! in the box It`s on the box It`s on the right. It`s on the left. It`s in the middle of the boxes. It`s Comprehension: 1. Is Mr. Smith’s kitchen large No, it isn’t. 2. Is Mr. Smith’s kitchen small Yes ,it is . 3. Is there a refrigerator in the kitchen Yes ,there is . 4. What colour is the refrigerator White./ It’s white. 5. Where is the refrigerater On the right./ It’s on the right. 6. What colour is the electric cooker Blue./ It’s biue. 7. Where is the cooker On the left. / It’s on the left. 8. Where is the table In the middle of the room. 9. Where is the cup On the table./ … 10.Where is the bottle On the table./… Mrs. Smith's kitchen is small. There is a refrigerator in the kitchen. The refrigerator is white. It is on the right. There is an electric cooker in the kitchen. The cooker is blue. It is on the left. There is a table in the middle of the room. There is a bottle on the table. The bottle is empty. There is a cup on the table, too. The cup is clean. There be There is a refrigerator in the kitchen. There is an electric cooker in the kitchen. There is some fish in the sea. There are some bottles on the table. There be 肯定句 There is a/an +单数可数名+地点。 There are +复数可数名词+地点。 There is +(some )不可数名词+地点。 There is not There be 否定句 There is not a refrigerator in the kitchen. There is not an electric cooker in the kitchen. There is not any fish in the sea.(some any) There are not any bottles on the table.(some any) There be 否定句 There is not a/an +单数可数名+地点。 There are not +复数可数名词+地点。 There is not(any)不可数名词+地点。 There is a cup and two bottles o n the box. There are two bottles and a cup on the box. 就近原则:谁近谁做主,远的请忽略! 冠词a ,an 和the a和an 相同点 :泛指 第一次提到。 不同点:单词的音节以aeiou开头,用an。an apple /an orange a/an 和the 第一次提到用a或an 第二次再提到用”the” ,特指 也就是说在泛指的时候,用不定冠词a或an,特指的时候用 the。 Practice 完成以下句子,用a或the填空。 Example: Give me _____ book. Which book _____ book on the table. Give me a book. Which book The book on the table. 1 Give me _____ glass. Which glass _____ empty one. 2 Give me some cups. Which cups _____ cups on the table. 3 Is there _____ book on _____ table Ye ... ...

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