

日期:2024-06-18 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:10次 大小:611165Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 专题14完形填空(2024中考)中考英语专练(全国通用)210题(51-60) 完形填空篇51 Wang Huawen was deaf but became a teacher of a special education school in 996. Though he has lived in a ____1____ world, he has helped 500 students with hearing problems get into college. Wang’s hearing was ____2____ at the age of seven. His parents felt very sad that their son would never be able to communicate with others ____3____. This ____4____ his trouble in keeping up with his classmates in class. What’s worse, he ____5____ to use sign language in public. He felt it a ____6____ to make others pay attention to him for his sign language. After fighting with himself some time, Wang accepted the ____7____ that he was a disabled person. He ____8____ he needed to communicate more with others. He hoped to develop better, so he began to study sign language harder and often used it. His teacher suggested he choose art ____9____ his interest. After studying hard four years, he got into an art university. After graduating, he returned to his alma-mater(母校). “I’m able to communicate easily with my students by using the painting brush. In our world of silence, I hope to bring a little more ____10____ into their lives.” 1.A. silent B. fresh C. light D. quick 2.A. rung B. got C. hurt D. tested 3.A. directly B. normally C. healthily D. actively 4.A. took up B. put on C. sent out D. led to 5.A. improved B. compared C. refused D. accepted 6.A. surprise B. shame C. secret D. pride 7.A. truth B. reason C. praise D. reply 8.A. expected B. required C. doubted D. realized 9.A. according to B. thanks to C. instead of D. such as 10.A. races B. signs C. colours D. ideas 【答案】1.A 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.C 6.B 7.A 8.D 9.A 10.C 题目说明:本文讲述了聋人王化文的励志事迹。 【1题详细说明】 句意:尽管他生活在一个沉默的世界里,但他已经帮助500名有听力问题的学生进入了大学。 silent安静的;fresh新鲜的;light轻的;quick快的。根据“Wang Huawen was deaf”可知他生活在一个安静的世界里。故选A。 【2题详细说明】 句意:王化文七岁时听力受损。 ring鸣响;set安置、设定;hurt损害、伤害;test测试。根据“Wang Huawen was deaf”可知此处表示听力受损。故选C。 【3题详细说明】 句意:他的父母感到非常难过,因为他们的儿子永远无法正常与他人交流。 directly直接地;normally正常地;healthily健康地;actively活跃地。根据“Wang’s hearing was hurt at the age of seven.”可知王的听力受到了损伤,因此无法与别人正常地交流。故选B。 24题详细说明】 句意:这导致他难以在课堂上跟上他的同学。 take up开始从事;put on增加;send out发出;lead to导致、引起。根据“His parents felt very sad that their son would never be able to communicate with others normally”可知这是导致他跟不上其他同学的原因,故选D。 【5题详细说明】 句意:更糟糕的是,他拒绝在公共场合使用手语。 improved提高、改善、改进;compared比较;refused拒绝、accepted接受。根据“What’s worse”和下文“He felt it a ...to make others pay attention to him for his sign language.”可知他拒绝在公共场合使用手语。故选C。 【6题详细说明】 句意:他感觉因为手语让别人注意到他是 ... ...

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