
上海牛津小学英语四年级上册Unit12 weather 课件

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:40次 大小:3437309Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件14张PPT。Unit 12 weathersunny sunIt’s sunny.cloudcloudy It’s cloudy.windowwindy It’s windy..rainy rainIt’s rainy.It is raining cats and dogs.倾盆大雨sun sunnycloud cloudywind windyrain rainyDo you know these signs ?How is the weather,Kitty? It’s rainy.How is the weather,Kitty? It’s cloudy and windy.How is the weather today,Kitty? It’s warm and sunny . It’s Sunday.Let’s go to the park.I can ride my bike in the park. I can run in the park.How is the weather today? It’s rainy. I don’t like the rain. I can’t play in the park.I like the rain. It’s windy today. I like the wind. I can fly my kite. I don’t like the wind. It’s hot today. I don’t like the sun. I like the sun.

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