
Unit 3 易错题检测卷-小学英语 三年级上册 冀教版(三起)(含答案)

日期:2024-06-09 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:83次 大小:522046Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 3 易错题检测卷-小学英语 三年级上册 冀教版(三起) 一、单选题 1.I happy! A.are B.am C.be 2.当Yang Ling去新学校上学,她想向新同学介绍自己,可以说:( ) A.This is Yang Ling. B . Hi, I’m Yang Ling. 3.—_____ do you feel ( ) —I feel warm. A.Are B.What C.How 4.当你想知道别人的感受时,你应该说:( ) A.When do you feel B.How do you feel C.How old are you 5.—_____ feet do you have (   ) —Two. A.How many B.How C.What 6.—Goodbye! ( ) —_____ A.See you later. B.OK. 7.My _____ are blue. A.hair B.eyes C.face 8.I walk _____ school. (   ) A.to B.of C.with 9.I have _____ legs. ( ) A.one B.two C.three 10._____ warm. ( ) A.This is B.This's C.this is 二、选择正确图片/词句 11. ( ) A.happy B.hurt 12.Show me your left foot. ( ) A. B. 13. ( ) A.hair B.leg C.arm 14. ( ) A.nee B.need C.knee 15. ( ) A.okay B.good 三、补全句子 16.I have o nose. 17.It’s nice and (凉爽的) in September in Wangdu. 18.The snake can use its b (身体) to dance. 19.He has a (腹部,胃) ache. 20.This is my (膝盖). 四、判断句子正误 根据图片,判断句子的正(√)误(×)。 21.Close your eyes. ( ) 22.Open your mouth. ( ) 23.Touch your nose. ( ) 24.Touch your ear. ( ) 25.Touch your head. ( ) 五、选内容补全对话/短文 根据情景补全对话。 Tom: How do you feel Li Ling: 26 Tom: 27 Li Ling: My head hurts. Tom: 28 Dr. Wang: 29 Li Ling: My name is Li Ling. Dr. Wang: What's the matter Li Ling: 30 ___ 六、阅读选择 读短文后回答问题。 Hello! My name is Mary. I'm a girl. My hair is red. And my eyes are blue. I have a friend. He is a boy. His name is Tom. His hair is black. His eyes are black, too. 31.What's the girl's name ( ) A.Mary. B.Tom. C.Jenny. 32.What colour is Mary's hair ( ) A.Black. B.Green. C.Red. 33.What colour are Mary's eyes ( ) A.Blue. B.Brown. C.Black. 34.What is the boy's name A.Danny. B.Tom. C.Li Ming. 35.What colour are the boy's eyes A.Blue. B.Black. C.Brown. 七、阅读判断 读对话,判断对(T)错(F)。 Jenny: Look! Danny. I have a new pen. I feel very happy! Danny: Wow! How nice! And I feel happy, too. Jenny: Why do you feel happy,Danny Danny: Because it is raining(正在下雨). It is interesting. Jenny: OK. Let’s play together(一起)。 Danny: Great(太棒了)! 36.Jenny feels happy. ( ) 37.Danny feels sad. ( ) 38.Danny has a new pencil. ( ) 八、完形填空 完形填空。根据图片完成短文。 Look at me. I have a round(圆的) 39 and 40 hands. I have no 41 , but I can(能)walk. I 42 no 43 , but I can tell(告诉)you the time(时间). 39.A.face B.hand C.leg 40.A.one B.a C.three 41.A.hands B.legs C.hair 42.A.have B.has C.had 43.A.head B.nose C.mouth 九、任务型阅读 44.阅读短文,选择人物的特点,分别填写在圆圈里。 Hello! My name is Mary. My hair is red. My eyes are blue. I have two hands. I have ten fingers. I walk to school. Hello! My name is Danny. I have three hairs. My eyes are black. My hands are green. I have eight fingers. I have a tail. A.Mary B.Danny C. red hair D.t ... ...

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