
Recycle1达标练习卷-英语四年级上册人教PEP版 (含答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:27次 大小:332894Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Recycle 1 达标练习卷-英语四年级上册人教PEP版 一、单选题 1.How many _____ can you see ( ) A.chair B.chairs C.pen 2.Zhong Nanshan _____ glasses. ( ) A.are B.has C.is 3.She _____ an orange schoolbag. ( ) A.have B.has C.is 4.I have _____ orange schoolbag and my glasses _____ red. ( ) A.a; is B.an; is C.an; are 5.—Let’s clean the classroom. ( ) —_____. A.OK B.Yes C.No 6.My friend is very _____to us. ( ) A.tall B.friendly C.long 7._____ you read this for me ( ) A.Where B.Can C.What 8.—_____ in the bag ( ) —20 story-books. A.What’s B.How’s C.When’s 二、中英互译:单词/短语 英汉互译。 9.在教室里 10.讲台 11.在窗户旁边 12.a storybook 13.在椅子下面 三、选词/短语填空 A.are B.Who C. Where D.is E. in 14.What’s my classroom 15.Her hair long. 16. is this boy 17.The glasses yellow, too. 18. is the picture 四、句图匹配 A. B. C. D. E. 19.I have a hat. ( ) 20.He’s strong. ( ) 21.She has new shoes. ( ) 22.I have some toys. ( ) 23.This is the door. ( ) 五、句子匹配 给下列句子选择相应的答语。 A.An English book. B.It’s on the desk. C. He is Mike. D.Sure. Here you are. E. It’s green. 24.Where’s the key ( ) 25.What’s in your schoolbag ( ) 26.Who is he ( ) 27.What colour is your new pen ( ) 28.May I see it ( ) 六、排序题 29.读一读,给下列句子排出正确的顺序。 ( ) I don’t know. What’s her name ( ) No. She’s tall. She has short hair and big eyes. ( ) Who’s your friend ( ) Sandy White, our English teacher. ( ) Can you guess She’s friendly. ( ) I know. It’s Amy. 七、选内容补全对话/短文 Amy: Hi, Chen Jie. I have a new schoolbag. Chen Jie: Really 30 Amy: It’s white. Look! It’s so heavy. Chen Jie: 31 Amy: Some English books, some story-books and many picture-books. Chen Jie: 32 Amy: Let me count. 1, 2, 3, 4…16. I have 16 picture-books. Chen Jie: 33 Amy: Sure. Here you are. Chen Jie: Wow! A rabbit! 34 A.How many picture-books do you have B.What color is it C.How nice! D.What’s in it E.May I have a look 八、阅读选择 Hi, everyone. My name is Sarah. I have short hair and brown shoes. I have a new friend. Her name is Amy. She is tall and thin. She has long hair and black glasses. She is quiet and friendly. She has a new schoolbag. It's blue and white. She has four English books and two notebooks. 35.Who’s Sarah’s new friend ( ) A.Amy B.Sarah C.Chen Jie 36.What colour is Amy’s schoolbag ( ) A.black and white B.red and white C.blue and white 37.Amy is _____. ( ) A.tall and thin B.short and thin C.tall and strong 38.Amy has _____ notebooks and ____ English books. ( ) A.two; four B.four: two C.three: two 39.Sarah has _____ and _____. ( ) A.short hair; brown shoes B.long hair; brown shoes C.short hair; black glasses 九、阅读判断 Hello! My name is Lucy. I'm ten years old. I'm short and thin. My hair is short. I have a new friend. She is 9 years old. She is tall and thin. She has two big eyes and a small nose. She has long hair. She is very friendly. ... ...

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