
Unit 6 How do you feel?Part A课件(共38张PPT)

日期:2024-06-06 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:86次 大小:21066385Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 6上第十二次课 Unit 6 Section A How do you feel? 主讲人:丁老师 The wolf is coming bored worried happy angry afraid sad boy farmers Mind-map of the Feelings(情绪思维导图) bored happy afraid sad worried angry angry afraid ill worried happy sad 生气的 担忧的 悲伤的 生病的,不舒服的 害怕的 高兴的 happy angry afraid ill sad worried Magic fingers 规则:教师说 sad,伸出1根手指,学生说 sad 一遍;教师伸出2根手指,学生说 sad 两遍……如果教师伸出拳头,学生就不说话,如果有学生说了,就要表演各种表情。 sad afraid ill worried angry happy How do you feel I am ..... 句型 How does she feel She is _____. Word bank angry afraid sad worried happy happy How does she feel She is _____. Word bank angry afraid sad worried happy afraid How does he she feel He is _____. Word bank angry afraid sad worried happy worried How do they feel They are _____. Word bank angry afraid sad worried happy sad How do they feel They are _____. Word bank angry afraid sad worried happy angry 询问以及回答某人的心情和感受 How do you feel I am +形容词. How does she/he feel She/He is +形容词. How do they feel They are+形容词. How do they feel They are happy. How do they feel They are worried. What does he/she feel He/She is .... What do they feel They are .... pair work You act I say 请同学上台表演各种情绪,老师问,同学们根据问题选择句型回答。 by ship by subway He is . They are . He is . I am . Write and say by car She is . worried happy angry sad afraid 一、根据图片来填空。 Practice 二、用 I, They,Amy,She来填空。 1. am worried. 2. is happy. 3. are sad. 4. am angry. 5. is afraid. I I They She/Amy She/Amy 三、穿串串 she How feel How feel does does she They happy now . They happy now are are . The boy afraid is of The boy afraid is of dogs . dogs . My mother angry is with My mother angry is with me . me . Summary How do you feel I am +形容词. How does he/ she feel He/She is +形容词. How do they feel They are+形容词. Words: angry afraid ill sad worried happy Da Xiong's One Day Da Xiong gets up. Da Xiong and Dodaemon go to school. The teacher asks Da Xiong to go to the teacher's office. Da Xiong doesn't do his homework. Da Xiong is afraid. Da Xiong doesn't do his homework. The teacher is angry. The teacher blames Da Xiong. Da Xiong is sad. Dodaemon is worried. Da Xiong is sad. Dodaemon makes Da Xiong laugh(大笑)。 Da Xiong and Dodaemon are happy. Summary How do you feel I am +形容词. How does he/ she feel He/She is +形容词. How do they feel They are+形容词. Words: angry afraid ill sad worried happy

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