

日期:2024-06-03 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:80次 大小:2355893Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 六年级英语上学期期中重难点检测卷(人教PEP版)(含答案和音频,无听力原文) 一、听音,选择正确答案 1.听录音,选择正确答案。 (1). Tomorrow is _____. ( ) A.Sunday B.Tuesday C. Monday (2). Lucy is going to have _____. ( ) A.a birthday party B.a big dinner C. a lesson (3). Lucy’s mother is going to make _____. ( ) A.noodles B.a birthday cake C. a gift (4). Lucy’s father is going to buy _____. ( ) A.a dictionary B.a word book C. a comic book (5). _____ is going to send her a postcard. ( ) A.Lucy B.Lucy’s friend C. Lucy’s sister 二、听音填空 2.听对话,填上所缺的单词,将句子补充完整,对话读两遍。 A: Excuse me, where's the B: It's next to the . A: I get to the B: First, at the bookstore. Then at the hospital. A: Thank you. B: You're welcome. 三、听音排序 3.Listen and number. (听录音,将下列图片按对话中出现的先后顺序排序。) 四、听音,选择听到的内容 4.听录音,选出与你所听到的内容相符的图片。 ( )(1). A.   B.  ( )(2). A.   B. ( )(3). A. B. ( )(4). A. B. ( )(5). A. B. 五、单选题 5.—_____ are you leaving for Beijing ( ) —Tomorrow morning. A.What B.How C.When 6.Please wear your _____. ( ) A.helmet B.hat 7._____ are you going to do ( ) A.What B.How C.Where 8.— Where are you going this weekend —I’m going to .( ) A.Shanghai B.by plane C.yesterday 9.—_____ is the pet hospital ( ) — It's next to the bookstore. A.What B.Where C.Who 六、情景选择 10.The restaurant is _____ the Palace Museum. (  ) A.next B.next to C.next from 11.下面和中国传统节日“中秋节”有关的活动是:( ) A.fly a kite B.climb mountains C.eat mooncakes 12.给别人指路,你会说:_____ ( ) A.Turn right at the museum. B.Don’t run on the ferry. 13.———How do you go to the bookstore ( ) ———_____. A.Ok. B.Go straight. C.Take the No.35 bus. 14.Walk straight for 3 minutes. The hospital is ___the left. ( ) A.in B.of C.on 七、用单词正确形式填空 15.—Here you are! — (Thank). 16.We must (pay) attention to the traffic lights. 17.Let (we) clean the classroom. 18.I want (read) some story books at home. 19.What (do) he do on Sundays 八、补全句子 20.I’m going to (拜访) my grandparents on the weekend. 21.The library is n t (与……相邻) our school. 22.I am going to the c (电影院) with my brother t afternoon.(明天) 23.It's (紧挨着) the Beihai Park. 24.Does Zhang Peng (看电视) every weekend 九、选内容补全对话/短文 Amy: Hello, Tom! Tom: Hi, Amy! 25 Amy: OK. 26 Tom: Yes, I do. Stop and wait at a red light. Slow down and stop at a yellow light. And… Amy: 27 Tom: You are right. Look! 28 Let's cross the road! Amy: OK. 29 Tom: Usually I go to school on foot. Sometimes I go to school by subway. Amy: Look! The bus is coming. Bye. Tom: Bye. A.How do you go to school B.Let's go home. C.It's a green light. D.Do you know the traffic lights E.Go at a green light. 十、连词成句 30.is, going, she, Where ( ) . 31.go, the, light, at, don’t, red (!) . 32.shop, the, is, museum, W ... ...

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