
Unit 5 Our School Part A 课件(共21张PPT)

日期:2024-06-01 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:41次 大小:16965171Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 陕旅版·四年级上册 Unit 5 Our School Part A Let’s sing Where is your school Think and circle What do you have in your school Look and tick 图书馆 There is a library . New words 有个图书馆。 library 花 园 There is a garden . garden 操 场 There is a big playground. playground 洗手间 Is there a toilet toilet 电 脑 There are many new computers. computer 大门;门口 Where is the school gate school gate 办公室 There is a teachers’ office. teachers' office 知识小贴士 学习单词 teachers’ office 时要注 意 teachers’ 是 名词所有格 ,意 思是 “ 教师的 ” 。 Draw and talk Draw a school you like and then talk about it with your partner. You can use the following sentence Patterns. My School A: Hello! Welcome to my school! B: Wow! It’s beautiful/nice/great/cool! Is there … in your school Are there any … in your school A: Yes, there is./No, there isn’t./Yes, there are./No,there aren’t. I love my school. Exercises 一、选择字母组合补全单词。 1. g__den A. ar B. ra C. er 2. libra__ A. cy B. ry C. ly 3. t__let A. io B. oi C. ei 4. pl__ground A. ay B. ya C. ea 5. g__e A. et B. ot C. at 二、单项选择。 1. ____ is a garden. A. That B. Those C. These 2. ____ there a teachers’ office A. Are B. Is C. Be 3. Are there ____ computers in the library A. some B. any C. a Summary —Is/Are there a library teachers’ offices a playground a school gate a toilet classrooms a garden in your school —Yes, there is/are. / No, there isn’t/aren’t. Homework Draw your school and mark the facilities of the school.

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