
英语冀教版必修1-Unit 3 Men and Women:Different Roles in Society 知识总结+例题解析(共2份)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:48次 大小:27104Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit 3 Men and Women:Different Roles in Society 例题解析   【案例1】—I suppose it is going to rain tomorrow.  ———_____.     A. Yes, I don't suppose so      B. Yes, I suppose not     C. No, I suppose so        D. No, I suppose not   解析:答案为D。NO后加否定。I suppose not等于I don't suppose so,但用的较少。   点评:注意答语的一致。   【案例2】—Can't you do a favour for me?  ———_____. I've something important to do.     A. Yes, I can't          B. No, I can't     C. No, I can           D. Yes, I can not   解析:答案为B。根据最后一个句子提供的信息,“我不能帮忙”。所以答案是否定的,即用否定加否定来回答。反之,如果能帮忙,即用肯定加肯定。   点评:根据语境确定回答是肯定还是否定,然后确定对应形式。   【案例1】    He said: "I didn't know this at all."    He said(that)he hadn't known that at all.   He said to me "I will stay with you together forever".    He told that he would stay with me forever.   解析:陈述句由直接引语变为间接引语,由that引导宾语从句,可省略,时态、人称、地点、物主代词也作相应变化。变化后从句仍是陈述句。   【案例2】"Do you know something else about earthquake?" he asked.    He asked if I knew something else about earthquake.   She asked "When were you born?"    She asked when I was born.   解析:问句由直接引语变为间接引语有两种情况:一是一般疑问句,变化后的宾语从句由if或whether引导,有疑问含义但不是问句;二是特殊疑问句,变化后句子由特殊疑问词引导,不再加引导词that,if或whether。   点评:一是引导词的添加和保留;二是语序的调整,即由问句变为陈述句语序。这两个方面是关键。再如:   He asked "Are you hungry?"    He asked if I was hungry.   He asked "Who are you?"    He asked who I was.   【案例3】"Follow the instructions and have a try, please." he said.    He told me to follow the instructions and have a try.   She encouraged "Go ahead and don't be nervous."    She encouraged me to go ahead and not to be nervous.   解析:祈使句由直接引语变为间接引语,把原句变为不定式。这时动词要变为具有命令、要求或鼓励语气的词,如told, asked, ordered等。同时还要在这些动词后边添加相应的宾语,与不定式合起来构成复合宾语。 Unit 3 Men and Women:Different Roles in Society 知识总结 相关链接   为了便于引入课题或印证本单元所要阐明的主题,选取与课文相关的部分材料供参考。   她们有着顽强的精神、骄人的成绩、娇媚的面容,她们犹如一朵朵娇艳的“中国玫瑰”,在雅典百年奥运的赛场上挥汗如雨,谱写华章。我们敬佩她们的人格,我们倾心她们的风采,我们更迷恋她们东方的性感和娇媚。《生活》杂志发起奥运女星魅力点评论坛,谁是你心目中最具实力和魅力的体育明星?郭晶晶,杜丽,还是王楠? 文本互动   Li Ming and Li Ling are talking about how to learn this unit before class.   Li Ming: "There so many long passages and new words or expressions in this unit. How do you learn it well, Li Ling?"   Li Ling: "In the morning we can read new words and expressions, but don't try to memorize them all at a time. We can remember part of them separately, especially in the contexts the ... ...

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