
英语冀教版必修1-Unit 8 New ldeas and lnventions 知识总结+例题解析(共2份)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:37次 大小:26992Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit 8 New ldeas and lnventions 例题解析 句型剖析   1.Then it burst into flames, burning down their hut.   burst into突然产生。   【案例】After a few seconds' silence, he _____ laughter.     A. gave off            B. set out     C. burst into           D. send out   解析:give off“放出,发出”;set out“开始,动身”;burst into“突然发生”;send out“发出,分发”。根据句意,答案为C。   点评:注意常用短语的记忆。   2.One hundred years later, a man named Berthold Shwards looked into this black powder.   look into往……里看;研究。   【案例】The police are _____ the murder.     A. looking up           B. looking through     C. looking at           D. looking into   解析:look up“抬头看”“查阅”;look through“浏览”;look at“看一看”;look into“调查”“研究”。根据句意,答案为D。   点评:注意常用短语的记忆。   3.Bacon didn't get credit for making the black power.   get credit for得到……认可/承认。   【案例】He didn't get _____ for doing the good deed.     A. honour    B. credit     C. praise     D. fame   解析:honour“荣誉”;credit“信誉”“认可”;praise“表扬”;fame“名声”。根据句意“人们都不承认是他做的好事”,答案为B。   点评:注意英语中的短语、搭配。   4.Did you come up with a good idea?   come up with发现(解决办法,答案)。   【案例】He suddenly _____ a good way of solving the problem.     A. come out   B. come up    C. come up with  D. come to   解析:come out“出现”“显现”;come up“发生”“长出”;come up with发现(解决办法);come to“来到”“苏醒”。根据句意,答案为C。   点评:注意常用短语的记忆。   5.Athletes on the baseball and football teams were sitting around getting bored and out of shape.   on的意思是“是……的成员”。   【案例】He is now_____ China Daily.     A. for      B. at      C. in      D. on   解析:根据句意“他现在在中国日报工作”,答案为D。   点评:注意常用词的特殊用法。 语法巡礼   I met a new friend named Jack.   我遇到了一位叫杰克的新朋友。   The boy got lost.   那个男孩迷路了。   动词的过去分词除了构成完成时和被动语态外,还在句子中起定语、表语、状语、宾语补足语的作用。本单元主要讲定语、表语。过去分词作定语、表语表示动词与被修饰词之间是被动关系或被修饰词处于某种状态。上述例子中named作定语,表被动;而lost表示主语所处的状态。   注意现在分词与过去分词的区别:   (1)现在分词与被修饰词之间是主动关系,而过去分词是被动关系。   the living things 生物   a book written by LuXun 鲁迅写的一本书   (2)现在分词表示一个动作正在进行,而过去分词表示动作已经发生。   a developing country 发展中国家   a developed country 发达国家   (3)现在分词说明被修饰词的特点、性质而过去分词表示被修饰词处于某种状态、心理。   I was surprised at the surprising news.   听到那个惊人的消息,我感到非常吃惊。   【案例】—Don't play with them, my son. They are dangerous.  ———But they are_____. I like these people.     A. excited    B. exci ... ...

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